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Jayel: Where did you go?

Somewhere you don't need to know about.

Me: Just know that you will be getting your eyesight back and that you're stuck with me until that happens.

Her eyes widen and she stared at me silently.

Jayel: No way. Really?

Yes. Really.

Jayel: But how? Why? How did you know that I will?

Me: Gods told me indirectly. The only downside for you is that I'll be here with your for a long time. Or just few months until you get it back.

Jayel: You actually met a God?!

Me: Sadly, I have. And not a God. Two Gods to be exact.

Jayel: Why aren't you happy? I want to meet Gods. Did you respect them? You have serious respect issues.

Me: No. No. I mean, why the heck would I respect such people, you crazy being? They are so annoying that it makes me want to kill myself even though I'm already dead.

Jayel: Over exaggerating...But anyways, thanks for telling me. I'm really happy.

Don't really care but okay. I walked away from her and went to her bed.

I sat down thinking of what I'm going to do.

There's so much ominous threats they gave me. Jayel doesn't need to know everything.

My blue eyes...

What does that have to do with anything?

It doesn't feel good to be back...

Author's Note: So my existent/nonexistent readers, is it interesting so far? :/ anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for all the votes. I hope to get more votes and comments in the future ^_^ Ah so many kind souls! While me....here...stealing chocolate from my friends.... ;-; I couldn't resist. ✨😐

I also wanted to recommend a book. I always seem to have forgot to write about it since I don't do author's notes much.

As to what my book recommendation is, please read "The Grimoire of Somber Thoughts" by @Lunarshocker
It's a really good book in my opinion ^_^ I don't know if you will like it but try reading it. :D

And that's all for today! Sorry for writing a long author's note D: I'm sorry! Anyways, see you at imagination land in my sleep deprived state.

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