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Have you seen something beautiful?

Not an object.

Just something.

The most beautiful moment of your life.

Have you experienced it?

Regardless of your age.



Doesn't matter.

Maybe, you did.

But it's just too painful so...it doesn't feel beautiful.

It has its flaws.

We...we'll experience a lot of beautiful moments.

It might be covered in darkness...

Because, even though it's beautiful, it can't be completely beautiful.

We're just taking one part of your life.




All of it is there.

That beautiful moment...

With its own flaws.



Anything that isn't beautiful to you.

Can you please remember it?

Because...it's beautiful...it'll only last for just seconds until it completely disappears.

Then...you'll enter maybe another beautiful moment of your life.

But it won't be as beautiful as the one you experienced before.

Because it's the most beautiful moment of your life.

Treasure it.

Such flaws and beauty in that moment of your life shouldn't be forgotten...

Please remember it.

I beg of you.

Because some strip themselves of that beautiful moment of your life.

Even if they are in it...

They can't see it.

They'll do anything to escape it.

Then, they disappear.

Becomes those dead crumbled up memories.

Disappears as if they've never existed.

Leaving someone else wanting to disappear as well.

The cycle can continue.

Or it stops.

Depends on you.

Just...whatever happens...just don't disappear from that beautiful moment.

You won't know how much you lost until you've lost it all.

Author's Note: I've stopped writing these for a while. This chapter is a really important chapter. To me...at least. But I hope you understand what I mean. Even if you translate it differently in your mind. We're not the same, after all. This might have a different meaning for you. Whatever it is, I just hope you understand what I tried saying...the core of this chapter. But if you can...seriously answer if you're living that beautiful moment of your life or you've already lived it? Comments or PM (if it's personal, I guess...I don't know. Whatever you want.) Doesn't matter. If you're not sure...well...you have lots of time to figure out. No rush. Or you don't have to answer this question of mine at all. It all depends on you.

I'll be off then. Have a nice day. Bye~

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