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Author's note:  If you didn't pay attention to the last chapter or you know...didn't get the last chapter. Orion isn't a new character. (full name is in the chapter before this) It's the name of the main ghost (character?).

P.S. Happy Late Christmas. (Happy Early New Years too :/ Don't know how to say it since it's not 2016 yet.) ^^ ;~; I must be the only person late to wish Happy Christmas and early to wish Happy New Years. >_<'

Sorry for the long note.

Bye bye now~


Jayel: You look more faded than you did before.

Orion: Do I look like that to you?

Jayel: Yeah.

Orion: I'm just lost. I lost myself to my reality.

Jayel: I hope you find yourself again.

Orion: I won't. It's too late for me.

It seems that more and more evil spirits are attacking her.

I know why.

It's because of her soul. It's too innocent. She's too bright.

Those evil spirits are greedy...They don't want to be alone.

Either they'll kill her and turn her into a evil spirit.

Or claim her soul until she kills herself.

I can't do anything. Even if I'm supposedly the brother of the ones who control the evil spirits.

I've become an enemy to them.

Makes me glad that I am one, but I want to be ruined slowly so I'll have a little time left.

When the gods said I'd find out more about myself, this is not what I imagined it to be.

I still don't know who murdered me.

There are things I will never find out.

But that's not the point.

I have to vanish before I bring more harm.

That deal I made is not going to do anything.

The evil spirits are attacking due to orders as well.

As long as I stay here, she'll be harmed.

They think I'm weaker because I don't possess the evilness.

I know. I am.

What the hell are the gods up there doing?

At least, give me some answers, you lazy old men up there!

Heaven: Well...I can't tell you much. I'm not supposed to.

Orion: Why are you here? It's always me being teleported to you guys. Seriously, have some pattern.

Heaven: Please. I can do anything I want. Plus, you told me to give you answers.

Orion: Go ahead.

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