"C'mon don't get so sad! Ko was nice, but now you get a knew butler. Embrace the change!" She yelled, then began to eat her breakfast.

"Yeah... I know..." I tuned my voice down. "But that's not what I was thinking about."


"Nothing Hana."

We finished eating and I took the plates to the sink.

"Yes this way Sirs." I heard the maid, Kim.

"Thank you."

I heard footsteps trail up the stairs.

Is it the new butler?

Quietly, but quickly, I scurried up the stairs. Turning in the hall, I reached the big, brown, wooden door marked, Hiashi Hyuga. I pressed my ear against the door and listened to the conversation.

"Thank you for coming." Hiashi said.

"No problem. Thank you for seeing us." A mature voice said.

Us? Two butlers?

"So as you know, I've been looking for a butler for my elder daughter Hinata. We've had the previous butler since she was born, so I want someone she can feel comfortable with."

"Well Naruto is a very likable person. And he's a very protective over people." The same voice said.

"Oh. Well can I talk to... Naruto, was it?"

"Yep. I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!"

That voice!!! I know that voice! But from where?! Wait....

"Yes, Naruto. I would like to speak to you alone, so if you please Kakashi?"

"Oh of course." I heard footsteps come towards the door.

Oh no...

I tried to walk away from the door but I tripped over my own feet. I rolled over, doing a summersault and landing on my butt.

Curse you, clumsy feet!

I heard the door open then I quickly jumped to my feet. I was able to regain my posture, but not fast enough to look casual.

"Oh. Um.... Hi..." I was able to awkardly blurt out when he stared at me and closed the door.

He was a man with silver, gravity defying hair. He wore a blue medical mask over his mouth. Dark black eyes with a hint of red in the center of his left one,a scar also covering it. His attire consisted of a black suit with a green tie.

"Hi?... I'm Kakashi Hatake." He hesitantly put his hand out to shake mine.

"H- hello. I- I'm... H- Hinata H-Hyuga." I took his hand.

"Hinata Hyuga?" He immediately bowed his head.

"Uhehe... Th- there's really n- no need for th- that Sir." I patted his shoulder.

"Oh. Well--"

"Thank you so much for coming Naruto, you got the job."

Kakashi turned to look at the open door. I took this opportunity to run around the corner, out of sight.

"Oh Naruto. This is-.... Lady Hinata?"

"Sensei? No one is there." Apparently, Naruto , said.

There was a silence, then my father started to laugh.

"Oh. That's Hinata. She probably ran off when you weren't looking. She's terribly shy."


"Oh... Well..."

"So you'll bring your stuff tomorrow, and I'll introduce you to Lady Hinata."

"Um... Ok." He said.

I heard them walk away and I slowly peeked around the corner. No one was there. Thank kami. I walked downstairs to see my father waving goodbye... To a blonde? He shut the door and turned to see me.

"Oh... Hinata."

"Hi... Um... Who was that?"

"Your new butler."

But... What?.... No it couldn't be.

Naruto's POV

Kakashi was driving me home... Well... Old home.

"I'm proud of you Naruto."

"Thanks. See? I managed to get a job all in my own."

"Well you earned it... I set it up." He muttered the last part.

"Yeah. I dunno if I'll be be able to manage though..."



Flashback (interview)

"Yes, Naruto. I would like to speak to you alone, so if you please Kakashi?"

"Oh of course."

Kakashi left the room and I was stuck in an awkward silence.

"So Naruto."

"Ya?....Oh, uh... Sir...?" I said.

"Ha... I see you've never been in this situation." He smiled slightly.

"Uhhh... Well Sir... I've never really had the opportunity to learn all the... Well ya know." I smiled sheepishly.

"Yes. You've never had parents to teach you."

You're pretty spot on, aren't cha old man?

"Yeeeaaahhh.... So...."

"Right. So I already see that you and my daughter will get along as friends. That is an important factor."


"Another! Is that you know she is engaged."

"Ok. But I don't really-"

"Because! Many weird teens hit on her. She is not to be out of the house without my knowledge."

"Oh ok. Got it-"

"And! You are to cater to her every need, Whatever it may be. You are to protect her from any danger that comes upon her with your life. Do you understand?" His face was serious.

"Of course Sir! I'll do everything to protect Lady Hinata.... But ya know... I should meet her."

"Yes. Ok. So you'll move in tomorrow with your things. You can dress in only black, unless you have permission to do other so. But when guests are here, or any other occasion, you will wear the traditional butler suit that you'll revive tomorrow."

"..... Ok..... So..... I got the job?"

"Yes. So I'll let you leave to packing."


"Wow." Kakashi said as we pulled up to the big building.

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Well you should start packing. I'll be here at eleven in the morning to pick you up."

"Thanks Sensei."

I waved him off as he drove away.

This is gonna be such a pain.



Sayonara ~~~ Ramen




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