"Why did you come in?" She said through her broken voice.

"Why are you crying?" I went near her and kneeled down on the floor, in front of her. As I wanted to touch her face, she moved my hand away.

"Don't touch me."

"Okay I won't. But you need to tell me why you are crying."

"I hate you Abrar." She ducked her head on her knees and again broke down.

"Did I do something to hurt you?"

"No. You go from here." She said pushing me back.

"I did. What is it?"

"Abrar!" She stood up and stomped to the room. That's better. I knew she was definitely upset because of me but why? I went in and found her sleeping back on the bed.

"You have to tell me what happened?" This time I asked her with anger as her attitude was actually getting on my nerves.


"I will but not now." She said sniffing.

"Fine as you wish." I went back to the study, as I had to find out what happened to her. It was impossible for me to sleep with her before knowing what the matter actually was.

I called Jenny after going to the study. She picked the phone after three rings. Thats why I liked her as my secretary. Too obedient to her duty.

"Jenny call the driver who drove the Mercedes today and tell him to come to home, immediately."

"Yes sir." She gave me the number of the driver in the morning so she knew who it was. Once I know where Sadia went today, the reason will be unrevealed.


It was three am in the morning when the driver entered my study.

"Yes sir?"

"Where did you take your mam today?"

"Sir I just left mam to the hall, where she gave her speech. Then mam told me that she will go to the office with her dad and that I should go home."

"And you came back home?"

"Yes sir."

"Didn't I tell you to take her where she wants? Then why did you come back home?"

"Sir mam told..."

"You are fired."

"Sorry sir."

"Take all your payments from the office and now leave."

It was impossible for me to handle things when she was upset. It just made me angry. Anger that was totally impossible for me to control.

(Sadia's POV)

I don't know how I couldn't control myself and started crying beside Abrar. I was so determined that I will handle this matter maturely but so stupid of me, I couldn't even stop myself from crying.

When I came back home from the resort, I thought a lot about the situation. I could be angry at Abrar but thought what right do I have on him? I don't love him, neither does he. Then how could I aspect any sort of trust or commitment from him. I could blame him for what he did, but it will only put me down. He will think I am crazy for him, which I am definitely not. He wants to be with Taniya, I won't stop him. Let's see for how long he can do that disgusting thing?

But did that happen? No. I felt bad each and every second. After all he was my husband, how could I see him with anyone else? When he came to sleep beside me, I just felt worse. My emotions started to pile up inside me and I started to sob, trying my best to control my tears. Abrar then got up and I wanted to hide myself somewhere, away from him, where he wouldn't see me.

The Marriage Of A Bangladeshi Girl (completed)Where stories live. Discover now