Sunggyu sweetly smiled and then sighed. "I really miss the eight of us sleeping together in this room."

Dongwoo: Me 2.

Woohyun: Me 3.

Hoya: Me 4.

Sungyeol: Me 5.

Myungsoo: Me 6.

Sungjong: Me 7.

Then all of them laughed. After a few minutes the infinite brothers already silently falls asleep together.

"Myungsoo wake up."

Myungsoo opened his eyes and suddenly a sweet smile of his twin brother makes him quickly get up and then scratched his head. "Am I dreaming again?"

"Yes, the seven of you."

Then just a few seconds their six brothers finally awaked too. They stretched their arms and they were all yawning so wide.

"Aish! Why the day is too fast I just closed my eyes last night then suddenly I get awaked and it's morning already?" Sungyeol complains while scratching his head.

"Good morning brothers!" L suddenly greeted his brothers and smiled sweetly at them.

Suddenly they raised their heads but then six jaws drops while changing their glances both to the twins who's standing next to each other infront of them. All together the six of them rubbed their eyes then stare again at their brothers who was now both laughing at them. Then suddenly....


A loud screams and the twins covered their ears. The five dongsaengs suddenly moved closer at the oldest and they were trembling in fear.

"Hey! Brothers don't be scared of me! I won't hurt you."

L is about to approach them but then his six brothers screamed again and quickly runs fast outside the garden.

"Yah! STOP!" L shouted at them and they all stopped from running then the five younger boys hides at the back of their oldest brother.

"What is this L? Youre already dead then why youre here?" Sungyeol still in fear and in disbelief while staring at his younger brother. "How could be a ghost like you scaring us in this early morning?"

"Myungsoo! Are you not scared why youre standing beside him?"

"Why should I scared of him Dongwoo hyung he's my twin."

"Wait! Can you please explain it to us what's going on here right now?"

"All of you are dreaming now." L suddenly explained it to them what's happening now to the seven of them. His six brothers suddenly changing glances to each other in disbelief. "That's why all of you can see me and even can also touch me now."

Then Sunggyu suddenly held his right hand infront of him. "Prove it to me now." L stare at his eyes and smiled then touched his hand. The oldest bowed down his head and briefly stare at the younger's beautiful hand that holding his hand. Then he raised his head again and their eyes met. He stare long at his eyes then tears fall down to his cheeks.

"Ahhhh...hyung don't cry." L hug his oldest brother and patted his back.

Sunggyu hug his dongsaeng so tight and tears still falling down to his cheeks. He was so glad that this is happening right now. After longing for his dongsaeng who died six years ago he finally met him and hug him again even it was just a dream but it looks like real. "I missed you so much L."

"I missed you too hyung." Later. After Sunggyu moved away. L suddenly open wide his arms to his five brothers. "How about the five of you did you not miss me?"

"O...Of...Of course we miss you but...but..we can still feel something's creepy is going on here now." Dongwoo still felt goosebump while hiding at Woohyun's back.

"Ahhh Dongwoo hyung I miss you."

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Stay away from me L." The second oldest quickly runs fast after he saw L is approaching to him. But L chased his older brother and when he caught him he suddenly hug his second oldest brother so tight and Dongwoo cries. "I really can't believe this is happening right now."

"Ahhh...can we have a group hug? I really miss to have a group hug with my seven brothers." L opening wide his arms again to them. They all smiled then quickly approached L and Dongwoo. Then the eight brothers very happy making a group hug and tears of joy falls down on their cheeks. And they didn't noticed their parents just standing 5 meters away from them. Their parents are both smiling wide while watching their eight sons having a group hug.

"My boys."

The eight brothers quickly separated after they heard their mother's voice. Sunggyu and Myungsoo both smiled and suddenly runs fast towards them and hug their parents. Meanwhile; Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol and Sungjong still in surprised while staring at them.

"Mom, Dad...I'm happy to see you again." Sunggyu cries and his parents both wiped his tears.

"Were both happy to see you too in your dreams our eldest son." Mrs. Kim still keeps on wiping his eldest son's tears. Meanwhile Mr. Kim turned his head to his other sons and slowly stepped his feet approaching them.

"Yadong, Hyundong, Hodong, Sungyeol, Sungjong?" One by one he calls their names and his eyes is already turning red while staring at them. Then his hand is shivering while touching Dongwoo's cold face. "Yadong my very hyper and talkative second son. Who love's to collect dinasour toys before." Dongwoo sobs after his dad embraced him so tight. And Mr. Kim sobs too while embracing his second son. "Yadong I'm sorry."

"I already forgive you dad."

Then Mr. Kim kissed his forehead. Then turned his head now to his third son who's just standing between his second and fourth son. Woohyun smiled at him then suddenly hug his father so tight and sobs. "Hyundong my greasy and brave son."

"I miss you dad...saranghae."

"I miss you too and I love you too Hyunnie."

Hoya suddenly avoids his gaze to his father after he stare at him. "Ho...Hodong?" Mr. Kim tapped his shoulders then Hoya's red eyes stare at him. "Hodong I'm sorry." Mr. Kim stepped his feet back and then kneeled down infront of his five sons who are lost at them before and he was crying. Then all of them stare at him in disbelief even Mrs. Kim. "I'm so sorry for all the mistake that I have done for all of you before because of me all of you grown up separatedly. I destroy all of your dreams before to grown up together. I'm so sorry for being cruel dad for all of you. So, I'm not worthy to be your dad for treating you all badly before. I'm sorry for all the pains and heartaches that you've going through before even just I know ubtil now you'll still feel that pain and anger in your heart because of that bad memories of us."

Dongwoo and Woohyun supposed to approached their father but suddenly they stepped their feet back after Hoya quickly approached their father and embraced him. Mr. Kim embraced his fourth son too and both of them sobs. "Hodong I'm sorry, I'm sorry my son."

"Dad I'm sorry too for running away and for leaving you and mom before. I'm sorry for ignoring and denying you when we saw the two of you in the park before and I missed that oppurtunity to be with you again."

Mrs. Kim quickly approached them and hugs his fourth son. "Hodong."

"Mom, I'm sorry."

Then Mrs. Kim approached his four other sons too and embraced them and they were crying. "Oh! Yeollie youre so tall." Mrs. Kim very amazed of her fifth son's height. "And very handsome too." Then Sungyeol grins while scratching his head. Then her jaw drops after Sungjong smile sweetly at her. "Oh! My youngest and pretty son Jongie." She giggled and squizzed his face. "Youre such a cute angel." Then she hug the youngest so tight. After a while Mr. Kim approached Sungyeol and Sungjong too and hug them. Then later.

"Group hug! Group hug!"

The eight brothers make a group hug with their parents.

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