Chapter 18: Bacon

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When I woke up it was to music and the delicious smell of bacon.

Bacon; B-A-C-O-N; bacon: noun/ the back and sides of the hog, salted and dried or smoked, usually sliced thin and fried for food or called heaven

I got out of bed and practically ran down the stairs. When I hit the lichen I could have jumped with joy. Not only was Mike here, but everyone was.

Chaz, Dave, Rob, Brad, and Joe. All sitting in front of me eating bacon.

"Where's mine!" I whined making everyone turn to look at me.

"Right here." Said Mike handing me a plate of bacon, eggs, hash browns, and

"Is that a cookie?" I asked picking it up.

"Well I figured after buying you 10 boxes you would want one with every meal." He joked picking up a cup and sting what ever was it.

"Well you figured right." and I took a big bite.

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