Chapter 8: Normal

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I walked down the stairs and found my way to the kitchen. Mike was at the counter making bacon in a frying pan.

"Wow. You look nice." He said looking up from his bacon and oncing me over.

"Thanks." I blushed hard and took a seat at the bar.

"So now that we have come to terms and aren't so moody. Will you answer some questions for me?" He asks.

"Lose the dick assitude and sure you can ask away." I said smirking at him.

Okay Bea, cool down and just be causal.

Normal: N-O-R-M-A-L: normal; adjective/ usual; regular; conforming to the standard or common type

Just act normal, pretend like you don't know he's super famous. You did just fine when you answered him a second before.

"Okay let's start with your name." He says.

Good easy one. "It's Beatrix Lee Hope Jones." I said watching as he flipped the bacon and pulled out another pan.

"Pretty, I love the name Beatrix."- I blushed again. -"How old are you?" He asked cracking three eggs into the pan.

"19, but I'll be 20 on the 13 of October." I said as he scrambled the eggs and adding shredded cheese and scrabbling them.

"Nice, are you going to celebrate with family and friends?" He asked grabbing 2 plates.

"Um, no." I didn't say more. It was long and dark road, one better left untraveled.

Thank god he didn't press me.

"I'm sorry." He looked up at me with pity and I wanted to throw up again.

"Please, don't look at me like that." I said looking down at the plate he put in front of me.

"With pity?" He asked pouring milk in a glass and getting out a bottle of chocolate sauce.

"Yeah. I've had enough pity from people who don't really care to last me a life time." I said as he sat next to me and handed me my glass of chocolate milk.

"Yeah, I can see that about you. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I smiled at his words.

"Any other questions?" I asked taking my first bite of eggs. I moaned, they tasted amazing!

"Well I don't think I need to ask you how you like your food." He chuckled as I blushed and shoved another bit into my mouth.

"So... do you have anywhere to stay?" He asked taking a bite.

I looked down at my pate embarrassed and shook my head no.

"Well-" he was cut off by the sound of a door bell.

He got up and went to open it leaving me waiting to see who it was.

2 guys walked with him through the door.

This time I really did faint.

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