Chapter 2: Alone

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Alone: A-L-O-N-E: alone; adverb/ solitary; only; without aid or help

I was alone now. My home, family, friends, everything: gone.

Jeremy had been my last hope, but after what I'd done to him I wouldn't want to help me either.

As I walk down the street to a drug store and bought a pack of smokes and a bottle of vodka. (Amazing the guy didn't ask for ID after all I'm only 19.)

One of the only ways to make yourself feel whole, at least for a little while is drinking. So that's what I was going to do.

I headed for the corner of Blood and Pain opening the bottle and taking a swig. Then I threw the bottle back into my bag. I grab one of my cigs and lit it up taking a long hard drag. I blew out the smoke like a small cloud of death.

I step to the edge of the side walk and imaged throwing myself in front of the speeding truck that rounded the corner.

But I was a good little homeless girl and didn't I just waited for it to pass.

I crosses the road and dropped my still lit cig on a little scrawny cat. It hissed and ran away causing me to snicker.

I grabbed the bottle and took another hard swig of vodka. It filled me with the burning sensation and my whole body felt warm.

I was happy that it was doing its job, and doing it fast. I started to feel that welcoming nothingness and the conforming burning. Soon my mind starts to go blank and as I tripped I was happily engulfed by a layer of black emptiness.

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