Chapter 16: Speechless

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S-P-E-E-C-H-L-E-S-S: speechless; adjective/ temporarily unable to speak, normal from shock or another strong emotion

In my case I was speechless for 2 reasons. One happened to be shock, the other however was embarrassment.

I was in front of 2 half naked, very attractive guys, while only wearing my under clothes.

"Hey Mike I was-" Chester's eyes looked over at me and he froze.

"God, Chaz stop eyeballing Bea!" Said Mike walking in front of me protectively.

"Sorry, but she-" he started but Mike cut him off.

"Chaz, I don't want to hear that. What did you need?" Mike glared at Chester and I just blushed.

"Clothes for me and Dave." He said looking straight at Mike.

"Fine I'll bring them to you out in the hall." Mike said waiting for Chaster to move.

"Yes sir." Chaster spun on his heel and walked out leaving me and Mike alone.

"Sorry about that Bea." Said Mike moving towards the closet.

"It's fine. It's not like this is the first time something like that has happened." I pulled on the pants Mike had given me jut as he turned to gape at me.

"What do you mean it's not the first time?" He asks his mission for clothes forgotten.

"Well when you live with a bunch of guys, with one bathroom, you get walked in on multiple times." I said pulling on the shirt and then moving towards Mike in the closet.

"Wait, you've lived with a bunch of guys and only one bathroom?" He said as I dig around in the closet for some clothes for Chaz and Dave.

"There is still a lot about me you don't know Mike." I said finding a decent something and moving towards the bedroom door.

"Well that is going to have to change." He says now going to the closet for his own clothes.

I just giggle as I move to the hall and hand Chaz his clothes.

"Sorry about the staring." Said Chaz taking the clothes and looking at me.

"It's cool, like i was telling Mike, nothing that hasn't happened before." I walked with him down stairs and then stopped at the kitchen. I was starved.

I grabbed some cookies from the cupboard and then open the fridge. I was about to grab a beer when Mike swooped it and snatched it.

"You are not of age child." He said wagging his finger in front of my face.

"I'm sorry who did you find drug on the side of the road? Oh yeah, me." I tried to swipe the beer from him but he moved it back.

"Nope! I'm your father now, which mean I make the rules and I say no beer or anything alcohol until your 21!" Then he gulped down half the beer and smile at me, taking one of my cookies too.

"Hey no fair!"

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