Chapter 17: Great

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I had a great night!

Great ; G-R-E-A-T; great: adjective/ wonderful; first-rate; very good

I had such a great time. I tacked Mike for eating my cookie. Then we fought and he drove us to the store and bought me more. While we were out we got pizza and ice cream! Then we got home and kicked the boys out.

We talked a lot and then he forded me to call the school and take my name off the on campus housing. Then he called my work and told them that something had come up with the family and I need to be just a part time employee again. I yelled that I wanted the money but then he looked at me, so I shut up.

He called his bank next and told them he was going to be opening another joint account for me and asked for another credit card.

I smiled slot and then finally got so tired I was practically dead on my feet. So Mike, my hero took me up to his from and laid me down on the bed.

He kissed my forehead lightly and laid me down on top of the bed. Half asleep I felt him start to move away from me.



"Sing to me?" My voice was quite but I knew he heard.

"Just one song."

"That's all I need."


And he sand me Iridescent.

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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