Chapter 9: Happiness

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Happiness: H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S: happiness; noun/ pleasure; contentment; joy

Pure happiness is that last thing I remember before blacking out. And I hadn't felt that way for a long time, so it was quite odd.

Now all around me were voices.

"Dude what did you do?"

"Nothing this is all on you?"

"I thought you said she didn't know who we were."

"I didn't think she did. I mean she didn't act like she did." That was Mike's voice.

"Well obviously she did."

"Maybe it was something Mike fed her."

"I doubt it." Mike said.

My eyes finally started to flutter open.

I was laying on the couch looking up at the three men talking above me.

I gasp and almost passed out again.

"No, Bea don't pass out again." Mike said tapping my cheek.

"Okay." I said looking dreamy eyed into his deep dark brown eyes.

"Dave will you get her some water? I'm going to get her some more aspirin." Mike and Dave left leaving me with...

"Holy shit!" I said looking at the man staring at me.


"Your Chester Bennington." I stated plainly looking at him.

"Good, now do you know what your name is?" He asked kneeling down to look me directly in the eyes.

"Yes." I said quietly gazing into his milk chocolate eyes.


"It's Beatrix Lee Hope Jones." I said as Dave and Mike came back into the room.

"Here." Dave hand me some water and Mike handed me 2 little pills.

I took them gladly and down the water.

"Thanks guys." I said looking at my hands.

"Are you sure you okay." Dave asked looking down at me.

"Pretty sure, thanks Dave." I said looking up at him and blushing.

"So you do know who we are." Said Mike sitting down next me.

"It all kinda clicked while I was watching the Somewhere I Belong video after you saved me upstairs." I said blushing and returning my gazing to my hands.

"Really and you didn't say anything?" He said looking stunned.

"I didn't want to fan girl out on you so I tried to act as normal as possible. Then they walked in and it all crashed down. I was just really happy, I mean you guys have been my idol since I was 4. For my birthday my mom got me your first CD, just after it came out and I loved it so much I stuck with it." I shrugged blushing uncontrollably and glancing at all of them.

"Wow! Your a really good actress. I mean fooling me like that? That was good." Said Mike looking at me in ahh.

"Well not as good as I should have been. I shouldn't have fainted. And I'm sorry about that." I said standing up and walking out of the room.

"Hey where are you going." Chester called after me as I walked by the mess I had made when I fell.

There was chocolate milk all over the floor and shattered glass.

I watched my bare feet and I by passed the mess and climb the stair quickly.

"Hey, Bea!" I heard Mike call after me as I entered his bedroom and ran around grabbing all my stuff.

"What are you doing?" He asked me standing in the door way.

"Can I borrow your phone, mine doesn't work." I asked with my bag on my shoulder and my hand outstretched to him.

"Yeah." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it for me.

I found the phone app and dialed the first cab number I thought of.

"Hey I need a ride from-" I paused and looked at Mike for help. He mouthed the address to me as I resided it to the man on the other end of the call.

"Yes thank you. Get here as soon as you can." I paused and listen to him.

"Five minutes, wow, okay thanks." I said, "Alright goodbye." I hung up the phone and handed it back to Mike.

"Thanks for the hosting it was amazing, sorry about the mess downstairs." I said pushing passed him and down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Mike called after me as I walked towards the area I thought the front door might be.

"Home." I lied finding the door and opening it.

Thank god the cab guy was here under five minutes, more like 1 minute.

"Thanks and it was nice meeting you." I said opening the door and climbing in.

"Wait-" I cut off their words by shutting the door.

"Where to?" The cab guy asked

"12937 West Ave Downtown, the Collage." I said turning back to look at Mike's figure standing in the middle of the street looking out after the car.

As he got smaller, the gaping hole in myself seem to be growing back to its normal size.

And it killed me looking at things I could never have, so I turned back around and watched as we drove away.

All the feeling of happiness draining as fast as they came, leaving me in my pain.

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