Chapter 3: Hero

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I sat rocking back and forth, screaming and clutching my ears as the man ran towards me.

His words never quite made it to my ears due to my screaming, but I did understand his intentions.

He was trying to help. Trying to be a hero.

Hero: H-E-R-O: hero; noun/ a man of distinguishable courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities

This is what I so desperately needed, a hero, someone to save me from myself. Someone to pick me up and fix me when I've fallen.

I look at the man, I still was still screaming, but now I wasn't sure why. Why did I want to scream at all, it didn't fix anything.

The man moved closer still and lightly put his hand on my shoulder. The screams, stopped and suddenly I was just crying.

Why? Why? Why?

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