Chapter 12: Family

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"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief as Mike shut the door behind us.

"About what?" He said leading me to the kitchen.

"About me living here." I asked sitting down at the now clean bar.

Mike had had to clean up again after Chester and Dave decide to have a food fight (thank god they didn't get far into it), but then he kicked them out and now here we are.

"Yeah." He said smiling at me, this was the first time we really got to finish our morning conversation. 

"I can't accept this." I said looking at him as he started to wash dishes.

"Why not?" He asked rinsing one and putting it out to dry.

"Cause you've done so much for me already and I'm just going to be a burden." I said getting up and moving to hell him with the dishes.

"Well that's what kids are." He said moving over to let me rinse while he washed.

"Kids?" I said ringing off a fork.

"Yeah. I mean I'm old enough to be your dad and it will be kinda cool to see what it's like to have a daughter, so if it's okay with me is like to adopt you." He said giving me the last dish.

"Really?" I asked. I mean if a dad? A famous dad?

"Absolutely. I mean I know your over age, but we could still change your name if you want, or we could just put me down as your emergency back up person. It completely up to you." He said turning to look at me.

I tackled him.

Family: F-A-M-I-L-Y: family; noun/ a group of people who are always related but have a common attitude, interests, or goals, and sometimes live together

My version: noun/ people who love you and will care for you even in moments of weakness

It had been so long since I'd had a family that I just couldn't contain my happiness.

He caught me, but had to take a few steps back to balance us.

"Thank you." I whispered burring my head in his shoulder.

"Your welcome Bea." He said giving me a kiss on the side of my head.

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