Chapter 6: Fresh

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After my moment of shock I pulled myself out of the man's bed and walked around looking for my my bag.

I spotted it by the foot of the bed and grab it. I walked back over to the nightstand and downed the pills and water.

The headache I didn't know I had, started to release its pressure. I smiled thank god it was really aspirin.

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. At the last second I locked it, not wanting peepers. I let out a deep breath.

I opened my bag and pulled out my phone (homeless with an outdated smartphone, at least I got one.) I checked and had 0 messages, per the usual, so I turned on my music. Linkin Park's Lying From Me blasted through its speakers.

I set it down on the counter and stripped down all my clothes. I turned on the water and jumped in the shower.

It was hot and instantly I felt my mussels losses. I felt myself relax and it was amazingly amazing.

I mean not to sound gross but this was my first shower in forever. But to be fair I am homeless.

I looked around the shower and saw that there was only Axe shampoo. Whatever.

I grabbed it and and put a glob on my hand. I massage it into my scalp, scrubbing everything nasty out. I wash my hair twice more to make sure it's really clean, then just stand there for a while.

I sigh a little while later knowing I should probably get out soon. I finish by washing my body and face and then rinsing. Once I was done I shut off the water and grabbed a towel.

I wrapped myself in the towel, stepped out of the shower and onto the bathmat. I walked over to the light switch and turned the fan on hoping to unfog the mirror. I opened the door knowing that would help as well.

I quickly step out of the bathroom and headed for the dresser.

Mental Note: Look where your going when your dripping wet on hardwood floors.

I screamed as I slipped, slamming my eyes shut, like that would help any.

As I about to connect with the hardwood, I instead connected with strong arms. I clutched the body attached to the arms like my life line.

I let my eyes flutter open after I knew I was safe. I saw the man, his eyes on mine and a smirk playing on his lips.

"Glad I came to make sure you were alive and not doing something stupid." He said straightening us and letting go of me.

"Thanks." I looked down and felt the heat flood to my face. Great now I must look like a tomato.

"Your cue when you blush-" Great I'm blushing harder now. "-but not when your screaming you crazy bitch head off."

Good feeling gone.

"Okay thanks. I'm good here so you want to leave so I can get dressed?" I asked in my 'bitchy' voice.

"Yes your bitchiness." He bowed his head and headed towards the door, at the last minute turning around and looked at me. "Linkin Park is bae. My favorite is Somewhere I Belong." With that he gave a stupid little bow and left.

I have absolutely no idea where that came from. I just shrugged it off and grabbed the clothes he left out for me.

I walked back to the bathroom and set my clothes on the counter to look them over. Ironically he gave me a Linkin Park muscle-tee and some high waisted black shorts (girls shorts, which he has some explaining to do about.) 

A pulled out my only other pair of bra and panties from my bag and slipped on all the clothes.

I towel dried my hair and looked it's fading purple-ness over. I loved it. It went down to my butt as was naturally straight as a pin.

Fresh: F-R-E-S-H: fresh; adjective/ looking youthful and heathy; new or refurbished

I felt and looked fresh. It been a long time since I felt this good. I looked myself over one more time before grabbing my phone.

I unlocked it and on popped Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park. I laughed to myself and watched the video for a little while, when suddenly it hit me.

Holy Shit!

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