Chapter 60

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After the boys stood there starring at the new castle I felt a small tug on my shirt I looked down and it was little Jack (random) he was about 8 years old.

He smiled up at me "now our king has a castle" he said before I said anything he ran off I stood there with my arms crossed chuckling.

I teleported us to the main floor by the stairs there stuff was right in front of the stairs "ok boys grab your things and come with me" I smiled as I stood on the 4th step on the stairs.

They all grabbed there things and stood in front of the stairs, I started walking up the stairs as the boys followed behind me, on the next floor above the main floor I showed them there rooms they were all next to each other and some where down the hall a bit further.

As they set up there room and making it how they want it I went up to the top floor to check on y/n as I walked in Belle disappeared from my arms I looked over at y/n smirking.

She turned around holding Belle "wow this looks like Snow whites nursery at her castle" "I know I got inspired of her nursery" I chuckled and walked over to y/n.

When I came up to her I kissed her softly on the lips  when I pulled back from the kiss we both stood by the window looking out at the view.

"Are you ready for the change?" I heard y/n, I looked over at her "I am if you are" I smiled then kissed her on the lips,  when I pulled back I looked at y/n  "y/n since we need more Lost Boys should we get my shadow to get more?" "Yes they could help guard and bring some girls too" she winked at me.

I chuckled and nodded I called my shadow, when he came flying by the window "what do you need Pan?" "I would like you to get me more lost children's in all the realms" I said to him, he nodded but just before he flew away he looked over at me and y/n "where shall you want me to bring them?".

"At the front doors of the castle, please" he nodded and flew off I turned an faced y/n, I kissed her on the lips and I put my hand under her jaw and on her neck...

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