Chapter 29

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We got back to camp and had breakfast everyone was goofing around and joking around, Pan took me to fly around NeverLand to see all of its wonders.

We came across a ship, we got down to the ground to check it out Pan seemed like he new who owned it. He left me waiting on the beach as he went to check it out.

(Pans Pov)
As I flew over to the ship I had to leave y/n on shore for her safety, I looked around and it was quiet too quiet I went to fly back to y/n hoping she was still safe but before I flew off the ground I heard someone whisper "it's been a long time Pan."

I turned around and found Rumple standing there, "what are you guys doing here?" "We came to destroy your happiness" he smirked "how do you suppose of doing that? I'm more powerful" "by destroying the one thing you love most" I knew it was y/n so I flew over to shore where I left her and she wasn't there...

(Your Pov)
After Pan left to check on the ship I leaned against a tree looking at the ship but then I heard a mans voice whisper behind me "hello love" I turned around and saw a pirate standing there then something nocked me on the back of my neck making me black out.

Sorry I've got writers block right now so this one is short at the moment. 

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