Chapter 4

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As I stared at the bright star I whispered quietly,

"Shadow oh Shadow please take me to a better place" 

Nothing happened  until 2 minutes of sitting there, I saw a shadow of a person fly down towards me as he came close I felt a cold breeze blow into my face it put chills down my body.

As he floated in front of me I looked into his glowing eyes "are you the  shadow everyone talks about?" He nodded and pulled his hand out to me, I grabbed my bag in my hand and my other hand I put on his hand.

He lifted me into the air and took me to the brightest star as we got close to the start I started to fade and blacked out

I woke up and I peeked my eyes open and found myself on a beach with clear blue water in front of me and my bag beside me.

I looked around some more and it seemed like I was alone on this island I got up and grabbed my bag and walked into the forest behind me.

As I walked into the forest I came upon other people talking I quietly got closer and hid behind some bushes there was a tall guy with blondish brown hair and he was standing in front of a shorter boy, the blondish brown hair guy was holding a bright thing in his hand it looked like a heart.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but as I watched the guy talking to that boy he all of sudden crushed that bright red heart thing, as he was crushing it the boy fell to the ground dead.

I let out a small gasp but then I covered my mouth before I screamed, the blondish boy glanced over where I was and I just sat there quietly trying not to move, he started to walk over to me while smirking I knew he saw me but I still couldn't move after being in so much shock.

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