Chapter 31

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(Your Pov)
I heard someone coming, I quickly walked over to the bars it was Pan he walked over to the bars and grabbed my hand "is it true?" "Is what true?" He said raising his eyebrow "did you really kill his love?" I said as my eyes started to water.

He looked down then back up at me and nodded "I know that you have changed" I said as I put my hand on his face, he smirked at me and nodded I looked down at his other hand I saw a heart beating.

"Pan? Is that who I think it is?" I look down at his hand  and looked back at me he slowly nodded I let go of his hand and backed away from the cage.

"Why?!" I snapped as I had tears running down my face "he was going to hurt you" "that still doesn't give you the right to take his heart... I'm not even sure if you have changed Pan" I saw tears run down his face.

He opened the door and walked over to me "stop!" I snapped he stopped but tried to slowly walk up to me "I've changed I swear" he said in fear I slowly walked over to the door as he turned.

"Really if you have changed you wouldn't be holding that now would you?" I said as I pointed to the Pirates heart in his hands.

"I'm sorry but if you don't believe me now I can change in the future" "can you?" I said in fear, "I wish I could show you but time stands still in NeverLand."

I nodded because I knew I had to have hope "but I can take us out of here" he said as he slowly set down the heart and walked over to me, I hugged him tightly while I cried when he pulled be back from the hug I found myself and him in our tent back at camp.

I looked up at him and smiled "you have involved new powers?" He smiled and nodded, I hugged him tighter and he did the same I knew deep down that some day he would change back to the man he was before.

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