"Okay, Frank what do you prefer green or yellow?" Hazel asked him, tapping her pencil against her chin watching him carefully.

Frank thought for a moment," I'm a fan of bees so I choose yellow."

She raised in eyebrow. "what bees? You like bees? You never told me that."

He shrugged. "I didn't think it was important."

"Oh, but it is because my dad's co worker owns this bee factory and he could probably take us to it sometimes."

His eyes widened and he smiled. "Wait,really? like we could see bees?"

"No," Hazel said, sarcastically. "We won't see any bees in the bee factory."

Frank's face turned red and Hazel laughed.

Reyna and Jason shared a knowing look and smiled.

Reyna liked to think they her group where the outcasts, but it was only because they were a mixture of athletes and nerds.  She doubted whether or not they thought of her much as a friend. How did people become friends? Was it because of the speed of their time lap or from of happy moments together. She wondered if that's how enemies were made depending on the amount of awful moments together. It made sense.

One of the few people she knew was Jason. She never would have imagined them being friends because in an another world, he wouldn't have taken a glance at her, much less sit with her.

She'd tried sitting down with the other girls in her soccer team, but that didn't work out much because all they ever had the chance to talk about was the parties Reyna never went to and their memories of middle school she never had with them. The only reason any of them tolerated her was because she was one of the best offense players on their team.

Reyna brought out another book from under the table and seated it on her lap. She took quick bites from her sandwich, wiping off the crumbs on her book. It was an old literature book she found in the library. The front cover was plain with a small text of words written in bold as "Roman Gladiators". Ever since she learned about them in History class,she had been obsessed with Roman History. The only person like her was Jason who made it past the documentary. Right at the moment, he was taking sips from his juice box that he got from the canteen.

"What chapter are you on?"He asked her, peeking his face in her bubble.

"Almost finished,"She sighed, looking up-anwyre but at his face even though she could see him at the corner of her eye. Jason played around with his glasses; he'd gotten brand new ones last month. They fit him better then the other ones. She had noticed before he started wearing them, the teacher removed him to the front of the class. She was surprised he had just started wearing glass this year.
Jason nodded his head, amazed."Didn't you get this yesterday? It's a big book. What, did you stay up all night reading it or something?

Reyna shook her head. She'd thought about reading it last night, but she had left her book downstairs in the kitchen. Reyna wouldn't dare leave her bedroom again. She didn't tell Jason, but she had been skipping through the pages for the past while now. Reyna wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she was hoping for something in one of her books that would help her somehow. They where the only thing that reminded her of home.

"I'm just really interested in Roman History. You know, I just wish I could have lived during their time." Reyna sighed.

"But it was awful and dreadful, worse than the Dark Ages-okay maybe not worse but you get what I mean? Plus, the women had it worse, I'm just talking about the men. They had to compete for people's amusements with lions. And it's not like they even have a choice or something. Imagine that? Prisoners have it easier these days. "he shook his head."If you asked someone to define entertainment then, they would have pointed at a dead dude in the arena with the lion's head in his hand. Talk about expectations."

Reyna smiled."I could definitely kick some Lion's arse if I tried."

"I never said you couldn't."Jason pointed out, smiling.

That was all it took. Reyna no longer felt so sad, it boosted up her energy like coffee. She wanted to impress him, Reyna admitted to herself. Whenever she made him smile or laugh, it made her feel as if she'd won an award. It didn't happen much, but she tried. If only he could see that she was trying.

Reyna had a shelf full of Teen Magazines that she read through, anything that could help her out. She'd tried twirling her hand through her hair or putting on Bath & Bodyworks perfume, but the only one who seemed to notice her difference was Hylla. All her sister said was that she smelt like lemons as Hylla wrinkled her nose.

Reyna hid her smile and flipped to the next page. The caption was of a roman Gladiator, full bodied armed photo. She widened her eyes. Reyna could never imagine wearing all that equipment. They looked like warriors or soldiers. Maybe they didn't do it for a cause of bravery, but they did it to prove themselves. Show everyone they're worth it.

Jason pointed over at the caption. Their fingers were barely an inch apart. He put his hand away to grasp his carton of milk that he got from the cafeteria. Reyna looked down at her chicken nuggets. She took a bite of it as her eyes started to blur. Everyone's voice echoed around her, taking her farther and farther to a different place. Hazel smiled over at Frank at something he had said. They were laughing and having a good time.

"God dammit Frank," Hazel giggled.

Reyna couldn't help but agree. Boys could be so incredibly annoying and so-what was the word she was looking for? They just drove her insane.

Lunch was her favorite period, she told herself. Why can't you give yourself a break and be happy? She couldn't because she knew why would become of her when she got home? An empty home with only her and her father, fast asleep in his closet. Her hands rubbed the nail polish on her fingers that her sister had done for her. She didn't know whether or not to cry or scream.

~Coming Up~

Piper V


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