Chapter Sixty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Okay, if you're talking about pregnancy."

"I was. Make sure you eat."

"I have been. Trust me I'm already starving again."

I laugh a little, "You're always starving. Even when you're not pregnant." I tease her.

She manages a puny laugh.

"I was puking some after we left but I think it was because I hadn't eaten anything all day until a few hours ago and no I'm starving."

"Katniss, why didn't you eat?" I frown.

"I wasn't hungry this morning and I felt like I was gonna puke all day, then I did. Now I'm hungry."

I sigh, "Well, that's not good. Please make sure you're taking care of yourself while you're gone. Remember you have a doctor's appointment next week."

"I know I do."

"You're seven weeks now?"

"Yes." She says simply.

I can tell she's not in the best mood right now but I don't blame her.

She's been sick today, traveling and dealing with everything from Mrs. Brown and she's hungry, which makes her cranky.

"Yay. One more week until we get to see the little thing again."

"Yeah." She says, bored sounding.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Well, I will let you go. We are eating dinner finally. Make sure you go eat something too and call me in the morning. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, sweetheart." I say and she hangs up.

I put the phone down and glance up at the girls.

"What is my Mommy doing, Peeta?" Carter asks me.

"Aunt Katniss said that she's visiting your great-grandma right now."

Carter frowns, "Oh. I bet her is sad right now."

"Why?" Willow asks her, clueless to today's happenings, even though she's been informed of the reason Katniss left.

"Cause remember her is really sick."

"Oh yeah." She says.

"She will be alright though, I promise."

Carter gives me a look.

"What if she dies? My Momma will be gone longer and be sadder too."

I frown, feeling bad that she knows this.

Something about Willow and Carter is somehow they've both known feeling since they were babies.

They know when someone is sad or when something isn't quite right and they both still do anything they can to fix it, even when it's something as big as this.

"She probably will but I promise that she will be okay." I say truthfully, knowing Bristol can get through it.

Carter gives me a look and puts her fork down, "How do you know?"

"Because your mom is really tough."


I nod, "Yep and I just know she will be okay even if she's sad for awhile."

"Okay. What if I get sad too because I like my grandma even though I don't see her a lot."

I take a deep breath, "Well, that's okay if you're sad too because it's really sad when bad things happen and it's okay to be sad."

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