Chapter 15

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"I'm so fucking glad that class is over," Zayden says as he fall in step with me.

I laugh at him and agree. We just finished our last class for the week and I couldn't be more happier. We've been back at school for a month and the workload is overwhelming. Yay college.

"So, what are your plans for the weekend, Lynn?"

Zayden has been in every class I've had since first semester. They keep the freshmen together and we have the same major. He's such an easy-going guy and we've been friends ever since he bought me tea to our Cultural Anthropology class. He's the second biggest flirt I know. I say second because Cooper is definitely the first, but he's not as obnoxious as him. Girls basically fall at his feet because he's very attractive. He's not too buff or too skinny, but you can tell he works out. He has the smoothest dark skin I've ever seen and the whitest teeth. His jaw is well defined and his beard makes him look much older than his years. His nose is a little pointed and he's such a gentleman. He has a short haircut and he's from London so his accent helps with his sophisticated look.

"I think you ask me this every week on purpose. I'm doing the usual."

"By the usual," he makes air quotes around the word usual, "you mean lay around in your dorm all night, read a book until your skype date with loverboy," He scoffs.

I would get offended by what he just said but his accent makes everything sound so much better.

"No, I'm not going to do that. Since I don't have to work tonight I'm going to watch reruns of One Tree Hill on Netflix and eat chocolate and popcorn. And we Facetime, by the way, " I smile to myself.

"Same thing. That's so boring. Let's grab dinner."

This is our weekly routine. Zayden walks me to my dorms and we make small talk, but he always asks me out and I always tell him no.

"You know I can't do that, Zay. I don't know why you waste your time asking me and there are girls practically begging to go on a date with you."

"Nah. They're too easy. And besides I like the girls that play hard to get," he winks at me.

I roll my eyes and ignore him. Before he can say anything else my phone rings and I instantly smile at the picture.

"Hey, baby," I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Hi, Ty." I glance at Zayden and see that he's irritated.

"What are you doing?"

I wave my hand at some of the girls that are in my creative writing class.

"Nothing just walking back to the dorms."

Zayden taps my shoulder and I tell Tyler to hold on.

"I'll text you later, Lynn. Think about what I said. You'll have a great time with me."

I flip him the bird and he laughs and walks the opposite way. The minute I get back on the phone I'm being bombarded with questions.

"Who was that? What are you thinking about and who would you have a great time with?"

"Okay, dad. Chill with the questions," I say sarcastically.

"Sorry, Addy. I got a little beside myself."

"It's cool."

"No seriously though who was that? Was it that british guy?"

I roll my eyes forgetting that he can't see me. "If you must know, yes that was Zayden."

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