Chapter 16

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I'm in the third season of One Tree Hill when I get a message.


I laugh at Zayden's name in my phone. It says "The Love of My Life" with the coffee emoji next to it. I guess that's closest thing to a tea emoji he'll get. I didn't realize he changed his name until now. He must've done it when we were in the coffee shop studying yesterday. Before I respond he sends another text.

You know, if you want to ignore someone you should at least turn your read receipts off.

Not ignoring you. Just laughing at the name you put in my phone. I'm watching OTH.

Figures. Open up. I brought chocolate.

I pause the show and open the door.

"You shouldn't just pop up at someone's dorm."

He brushes past me, kicks his shoes off and get comfortable.

"Sure, make yourself at home," I say sarcastically.

"Shit," he gives me the biggest smile ever. "I thought I was sarcastic and I didn't pop up. I texted you. That isn't popping up."

"Whatever. You're lucky you brought chocolate."

"Well since you didn't wanna go on a date with me I brought the date to you."

I hit him on the shoulder and resume my binge watching.

"This is definitely not a date. For one, I'm not even dressed up and I have a boyfriend."

"You're always pretty, so it doesn't matter. And your boyfriend is over nine hundred miles away."

I look over at him and furrow my eyebrows. "You're a creep, Zay."

"Americans are so funny. I'm actually really here for OTH. I love that Brooke Davis girl."

"Me too," I agree. "Oh and of course Haley and Peyton."

"So, all of them?" I nod in response.

We finish watching the rest of the second season and before we start the third season, I get a call on my computer.

"Ooh. Your lover is calling."

I roll my eyes and take my hair out of the two braids. "His name is Tyler, not lover."

"So, Tyler" he says his name in disgust. "You're not comfortable with showing him your," he gestures his hand at my hair, "comfiness? But you're comfortable with showing me? I love it."

"He's seen me like this plenty of times. I don't care to show you because you don't matter to me in that way."

I answer my call and smile at him. Tyler has to be the best looking guy I've ever laid my eyes on. He's got the scruffy look going on and it works very well for him.

"You look so good, baby."

He runs his fingers through his hair and gives me that shy smile.

"After all of this time you're still able to make me grin like a schoolboy. Thanks."

Before I say anything I hear Zayden making bark noises and I tell Tyler to hold on for a second. I put him on mute. "Zay, I swear to God if you don't shut up I will kick you out."

He looks at me innocently. "What did I do?"

"Shut up." I turn my attention back to Tyler and unmute him.

"Who's that?"

"It's just Zayden. He's over watching OTH with me."

I don't need to explain myself to him but I know if it was the other way around I would be questioning him too.

"Oh," he says disinterestedly.

"So, how's UCLA been treating you," I say, trying to change the subject and it works. As soon as I asked him the question Tyler gave me a big smile and started talking about his science classes.

Zayden whistles. "Ooh, you have got you a smart guy, good job, Lynn."

"Bye, Zay." He looks over at me and asks why. "Because you don't listen, so leave."

"Yeah, please leave," Tyler speaks up.

He lift his hands up at me and grabs his stuff. "Okay, I'm going. I'll come by tomorrow so we can finish the series."

"No, you're not," Tyler says. I turn towards the computer and tell Tyler to stop talking. After Zayden leaves I lock the door and return back to my desk.

"You didn't have to say anything, Tyler. I had it."

"Well what do you want me to do? I'm not going to sit here and let him make comments about me. Why do you have to hang with him. You know he likes you."

I blow out a breath and put my hair up in a bun. "I know he has a slight crush on me, but he's a cool guy. We're just friends and we're partners for the rest of the semester."

"Why can't you leave it just at that? He doesn't have to be with you everyday come on, Addy. You know if it was me you'd flip the fuck out. I have a girl as my biology partner but you don't see her over here hanging out with me. You know why?"

I know he's not asking me that so I can answer so I just let him talk.

"Because I wouldn't do that. I know you're sensitive ass fuck and you overthink everything. So I would think my girlfriend would respect my wishes a little more because I'd do it for you. I do it for you already."

It seems like all we've been doing is arguing for these past days over the same thing and it shouldn't be like that, so I tell him what he wants to hear.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"I can't wait two more months, Lynn. I have to come see you. Can I come next weekend? My Monday class is cancelled and I can leave after my last class Friday."

I smile and blow him a kiss. "I wish I can kiss you right now. Of course you can come. You don't even have to ask."

"Okay I'll book my flight right now. I'll call you back in a bit."

After I get out of the shower I grab my phone and snuggle up in my covers. I call Tyler back and we talk all night until we fall asleep on the phone. We've been doing this every day since we've been back at school. Mentally he's here, but I physically miss him. I'm glad he's coming to visit me for a couple of days before spring break.

"I love you, Ty"

"I love you, Addy." I doze off never hanging up.

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