Chapter 5

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"What the hell is this?!"

I crack my eyes open to see Josh and Madison standing in the doorway of my room.

"Why are you saying it like that? Me and Coop were talking and ended up falling asleep." Josh can hear the irritation in my voice and that makes him back off a little.

His eyes soften. "No, Lynn. I'm not saying it like that, but the way you guys are laying someone would assume-"

He doesn't finish his sentence because I realize what the big fuss is about. Cooper is basically spooning me.

"Oh, wow. I didn't even know we were laying like this. Before we went to bed he was facing the wall."

"Yeah, Lynn honey. It didn't look good. Luckily we know you guys, so I knew it was nothing. Your cousin on the other hand went right to the negative thinking." Madison chimes in.

I laugh and sit up. "Yeah, I understand. Let's go somewhere else so Cooper can sleep."

"Damn, Lynn. I really wanted to wake his ass up, but if you insist. I guess we can let sleeping beauty sleep." Josh says with annoyance.

I ignore him and we make our way to the living room.

Madison walks over to where I'm sitting and plop down next to me.


I can tell that she is dying to know about last night and I give her a hard time and play dumb. "Soo?"

She hits my shoulder. "Aw, come on Lynn. You know I'm anxious to know about last night. I couldn't stop telling Josh that on our bowling date."
I laugh because Josh turns his head to stare at us as he tries to look uninterested, but fail. "If you girls don't mind, I'm trying to watch TV."

Madison rolls her eyes at his comment then turns her attention back to me. "He's lying. He's dying to know too. He kept saying, 'I hope Tyler is showing Lynn a great time. She deserves it."

I look over at my cousin and smile at him. It's really nice to know that he still looks out for me after all of these years. I'm really grateful for him. He's my cousin and best friend, and I couldn't be more happier.

"Josh, it was a great night. Thanks for caring."

He turns his attention back to me and smile. "Always. Now I'm interested. I wanna know about last night too."

Madison gets up to sit next to Josh. "That's the spirit babe!" You definitely can hear the excitement in her voice. "Now tell us."

I send Ava a text to tell her to come over so I can tell them all at once. "I am, give me a sec. I'm waiting for Ava to come over."

After Ava gives all of us hugs, she sits in the middle of me and Madison and looks at me.

"Start talking."

I laugh and put my hands up in a playful way. "Okay."

I smile when I think about the memories from last night. "It was amazing you guys. He took me ice skating and we talked." I don't tell them about why he likes to ice skate because I want to keep that information to myself. "We talked about school, and our parents. Oh and we kissed!"

Madison and Ava both squeals with excitement and Josh scrunches his face up. "Okay, you didn't have to tell me that part, Lynn."

The girls both laugh and we all ignore Josh's comment.

Ava looks at me and smile. "Oh my goodness, I am so happy that you had a great time girl." Madison nods her head in agreement.

"Damn. You fucking assholes are so loud. I can't even sleep." Cooper walks over to where we are and sits next to Josh.

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