Chapter 9

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I wake up to what sounds like an argument on the other side of my door.

"Just leave, Ty. She doesn't want to see you," Madison whispers.

"I need to see her and apologize for last night."

I hear knocking at the door and I walk towards it. I really don't want to see him right now and I'm going to tell him that. I swing the door open and I can see that Tyler is relieved. I look at Madison and tell her that this'll be quick and look Tyler right in the eyes. "Who in the hell do you think you are? You disrespected our relationship and treated me like shit. And for what?" I ask in disbelief. He opens his mouth to speak but I hold my hand up. "You made assumptions. I tried explaining that to you, but you didn't want to listen. So I don't want to listen to you," I roll my eyes at him, thinking how proud I am of myself for not falling apart in front of him. "Just go away, Tyler."

He looks at me in disbelief. "I'm so sorry, Addy. Please baby just talk to me," he pleads.

"Fuck you." I say smoothly. I slam the door in his face and slide to the floor. Now he can see how he made me feel last night. I should feel good about knowing I crushed him like he crushed me, but I feel so shitty.

After I get out of the shower I grab my eReader. I check my phone to see the the text Ava and Madison sent in the group message. They both ask if I'm okay and I respond.

I'm getting there.

I really don't feel like being bothered. I just want to snuggle up with one of my favorite books. I know West Ashby wouldn't treat me like this, I think to myself.

I hear a knock at my door and I glance up from the book to see my little cousin Raley in the doorway. She walks over to me and gives me a hug. I smile at her and pat the spot next to me.

"Hey Raley, I missed you," I coo.

"I missed you too. Can we watch a movie? I was trying to watch a movie with Josh and Madison but they kiss too much," she says sounding disgusted.

I laugh at my five year old cousin. "Yeah, we can. What do you wanna watch?"

"Frozen," I roll my eyes and put it on. Typical. We either watch that or Princess and the Frog every time we have a movie night.

We're at the end of the movie and I reach over to ignore another phone call from Tyler.

"He's calling you again?" Raley glances at me in shock.

"Yeah, but it's okay." She furrows her eyebrows together clearly confused.

"If everything is okay, then why aren't you talking to him?" I laugh and shake my head at her.

"You know, for a five year old, you ask way too many questions." She ignores my comment. "I only asked one question. You should talk to Tyler. You don't supposed to be mean to someone you love and I like him."

I turn my head towards her so fast I get lightheaded. "Who said I loved him?"

"Him love you, so you love him." I smack my lips at her and lightly tap her shoulder. "No he doesn't."

"Why not?"

"Because you don't supposed to hurt someone you care about on purpose."

She looks down to try to process what I just said. When she gets it, she glances up at me. "Oh, him made you sad?"

I nod at her. "Yeah, him did," I say mocking her.

"I don't like him anymore since he made you sad. You don't supposed to make people you love sad." Laughing, I pick her up and sit her on my lap. It's funny to know my little cousin know more about love than other people. Our little talk actually made me feel better.

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