Chapter 25

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"It's kind of good to be back," Cooper says.

When Josh told Cooper I was leaving, he insisted on coming back with me. He said he was bored and wanted to keep me company. He also talked me into staying at their house until break is over. I declined but ended up giving in because of Josh.

"Don't worry, we can watch all of the romantic movies you love. Oh, and eat ice cream and cry our eyes out."

I laugh, and give him my bags. "You're crazy, Coop. I'm done crying. I don't even think I have any tears left."

He takes my bags in Josh's room. "I know you're lying, but that's okay," He walks over and kisses my cheek.

Surprisingly, everything Cooper suggested for the night worked. We watched a couple of my favorite movies and during the ending of "The Best of Me" I heard a sniff.

"Are you crying, Cooper?"

He clears his throat and looks at me. "What? No."

I laugh so hard my stomach aches. "Yes you were, oh my god."

He throws a pillow at me and covers up his smile. "Whatever. You better not tell anyone."

We eat our pizza and finally watch a movie of Cooper's choice. Through the movie, I constantly catch him looking at me through his peripheral and when he does it again I speak up.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

He pauses the movie and stares ahead. "I never apologized to you," he whispers.

"Apologized for what?"

He finally turns his head my way. "For that night at Tyler's house. If I would've never said anything you guys would still be together."

"Cooper, it's okay. It's not your fault. He was gonna find out eventually."

"But everything wouldn't have happened the way it did if I would've kept my mouth-"

I cut him with a wave. "You had nothing to do with it, I promise." I give my friend a reassuring smile. "Can we just drop it?"

He smiles back at me and nod his head. "Yeah, we can." He scoots closer to me and puts his hand over my shoulder. "You know if you were my girl, none of this would've happened," he winks.

I hit him playfully and roll my eyes. "Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?"

"Because it's me," he shrugs. "We go to the same school and Zayden would have nothing pulled that shit."

I shake my head. "You're crazy."

"I know, but you had your chance," he laughs.

It's so nice to joke with Cooper. Tonight made me realize how much I missed hanging with him.

"I missed hanging with you, Coop. Thanks for tonight."

He stands and kisses the top of my head. "I missed hanging with my favorite girl too. You're welcome. I'm gonna go call Ava." Before he walks up the stairs he turns around. "I don't know if it'll be ok, but I do know it'll get easier. The pain you feel is a reminder that what you felt for Tyler was real. You can take as long as you need to get over him, but don't lose yourself in the process. Goodnight, Lynn."

I don't say anything and he wasn't expecting me to either. I think about his advice for the remainder of the night. He's the only person that told me I can take time to heal my broken heart. I go to Josh's room and fall asleep. Tonight is the first night I don't cry myself to sleep and that makes me feel a little better.

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