Chapter 10 : Remembering the Past

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When Alice arrived at the hospital, she was greeted by a sad look from her relatives that had arrived. She didn't pay any attention to the cries and whispers of condolence from the people around her, instead, she went to the receptionist to ask her parents room number.

"Excuse me, may i know the room number of Mr & Mrs Brianne?"

"May i know your name? Only families are allowed to enter." The receptionist replied.

"My name is Alice Brianne, their daughter." Alice said, her eyes still red and puffy from tears.

"Oh, they're in room number 134. I'm sorry for your loss." The receptionist said to Alice.

Said girl merely nodded as she whispered a 'thank you' to the receptionist and she went to the room mentioned by the receptionist.

As she walked, she heard a lot of people talking.

'Poor girl, she was so young...'

'I heard that she was an only child without any grandparents...'

'Poor child, she's all alone now'

Unknown to them, the girl they're talking about is listening to their conversation and was thinking to herself

'They talked as if i'm not listening!'

'I don't need their pity!'

She soon arrived at the room, and when she entered, the room was surprisingly empty, giving her the privacy to 'talk' to her parents.

"Hello, Mom, Dad...."

Of course no response come from the two dead bodies...

"I'm so happy that you guys came, but never in my dreams would i dream about something like this happening to yoy guys. Tell me Mom, do you still remember that time? When you comfort me when i'm young?"

A 5 years old Alice went to her mother while crying.

"Why are you sad, sweetheart?" Her mother said worriedly

"Mommy! Daddy hates me!"

"Now, what makes you think that Daddy hates you?" Her mother asked, clearly comfused

"Daddy doesn't care about me! H-he likes his work more than me!" Alice said while hiccuping.

"He promised to play tag with me, but he was busy, and when i tell him that he promised, he was mad at me!"

Her mother's eyes softened, she sat down while bringing her daughter to her lap, while carresing her daughter's hair.

"Now, now Alice, i know that you're sad because daddy doesn't have time to play with you. But, it doesn't mean daddy hates you."

"Bu-But he said that he want to work! He likes work more than me!"

Her mother internally chuckled at her daughter's simple mind, she sighed then said

"Alice did you know why daddy works so much?"

Alice blinked "Because daddy likes it?"

Her mother giggled then said "No, daddy works so he can makes us live happily. If he doesn't work, we can't eat and you won't have any toys."


Her mother nodded then said, "Now, why don't you help mommy prepare lunch for daddy so he can work better?"

Alice, now cheerful, smiled and said "OK!"

Alice smiled at that memory, but then she smiled sadly, "but now, you won't be able to comfort me again, would you?"

She then turned to her father's body, another memory flashed through her mind. This memory was the continuation of the memory with her mother.

"Daddy! Let's play tag!"

Her father looked at her tiredly, papers all over his work desk, he sighed and said, "Sorry Alice, daddy's busy with work"

Alice looked sad, "B-but you promised to play!"

"Sorry Alice, daddy want to play with you too, but daddy has work to do."

Young Alice went to her father and pulled at his shirt, " But you promised! Daddy, you promised! "

Her father, now annoyed pulls his shirt out of Alice's hand and yelled, "Alice! Don't you understand daddy has to work ?!"

Alice looked shock, she then cried, " I HATE DADDY! DADDY'S A LIAR!! " she then runned out of her father's room

Her father sighed, he looked guilty and sighed, "Haaah, i shoud buy a toy to apologize, why can't i control my temper?"

Alice smiled again at that memory and said, "even though you got mad at me, somehow you always managed to cheer me again...."

When it was night, and Young Alice was asleep, her father crept to her room, he put a toy rabbit at his daughter's bed along with a piece of paper.

At the morning, Alice woke up to see a toy rabbit, she also saw the letter, when she opened it, she grinned.

'I'm sorry Alice


Alice still kept that toy rabbit until now.

"I'm sure you know that my friends has been distant to me, now that you can see anything. I know you will never agree to my action but i swear to myself that if my friends is still distant to me, i will follow you guys, because it's lonely...."

With that said, Alice went back home, no tears were shed because all her tears are spent back at her house.

It's just a house. Because without my parents, it's not a home.....


That's it for this chapter! So sorry for not updating for quite a long time.

I'm very tired, but i'm glad that i managed to update this chapter.

Now, as usual, i wanted to say



Thank you all i hope you enjoy reading and see you soon!

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