Chapter 2 : The Transfer Student

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"Alright kids, settle down, and listen to what i have to say".

The students now pay close attention, this teacher, Mr Jay isn't one for unnecessary chat.

"Like some of you student had guess, we had a transfer student, treat her well." Mr Jay then turned his attention to the class door.

"You may come in now".

After he said that, the class door opened, and entered a girl with shoulder-length blond hair and brown eyes, all in all, she looks like a normal highschool girl.

"My name's Milian Olive, but you guys can call me Milly, nice to meet you all!"

The girl, now known as Milly, introduce herself cheerfully.

A'She's pretty, but not enough for the hibiscus, she looks normal so the tulip won't care much about her, but she seem nice, maybe i can confince Caren to take her to lunch with us, it would be nice to have a new friend, not that my old friend is bad, i just want a new change that's all.' Thought Alice

But then, Alice's thought was snapped by the teacher's voice

"Alright, that should be all about the introduction. Milian your seat is the empty one in the back, you may go to your seat, the rest of you open textbook page 56."

As Milly walks to her seat, the lesson begins and nothing could be heard but the sound of books flipping and their teacher's voice.


After several lesson, the bell finally rang, signalling that break has started. The students gathers with their respective group, and just as Alice had thought, Milian was left in the back seat.

Caren went to Alice, wondering why Alice hasn't went to their group's usual meeting place. Caren's wondering was soon answered by Alice's question.

"Caren, can we bring Milly to our meeting place? She seems lonely, and the hibiscus and tulip doesn't pay much attention to her, plus she seems nice..."

Caren looks at her best friend and smiled at her then answered,

"Sure! Why not? It'll be nice to have a new friend and the teacher said to be nice at her right?"

Alice smiled then they went to Milly's seat.

"Hey, i'm Caren

"Hello, i'm Alice, would you like to eat lunch with us?" Alice asked

Milly looked surprised, she didn't expect someone would invite her to lunch, but then, at the next second, Milly smiles and said cheerfully

"Sure! I never thought someone would invite me."

"Great! Come on, let's go then, we don't want the bell to ring before we had lunch now don't we?" Caren said just as cheerfully with a slight joke

Then, Alice and Caren brought Milly to their usual meeting place to introduce their Milly to their other friends.

Well that's it for chapter 2.

I thank you all for reading this story, i hope you vote, like and comment. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, after chapter 2, i'm going to update a little about their group so you won't be confused in chapter 3

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