Chapter 12 : The Visit

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As the girls talks about their plan, they didn't know that the person that they're talking about is falling into the darkness in her heart.

Everywhere she went, she saw groups of girl laughing, each with their own group.

I'm alone....

Nobody's there for me......

I don't want to be alone!

Alice was falling into a depressed like state, she barely eats, much less sleeps. She doesn't talk, and there's dark circle around her eyes.

I made up my mind.

Mom, Dad, i'll be with you soon....

(Saturday, 10.00 AM)

As planned, Caren, Anna, Aria, and Milly had met in front of Alice's house. They knocked on the door and waited.

But, nobody opens it for them....

At first they thought that Alice was busy, but after ten minutes of waiting, they all became worried.

Caren, being the only one who often went here, decided to peak on the windows, but unfortunately she cannot see anything, so she decided that there's only one thing they have to do if they wanted to apologize.

They have to break in.

Of course, not literally.

Caren asks her friends to step off the carpet that they're all stepping on, she lifts it and underneath the carprt there can be seen a key.

Caren lifts up the key and a wave of nostalgia hits her.


It was their first year at middle school, they had a project to do and decided to do it together, when they arrived at Alice's house, Alice wanted to knocked on the door when she notices a note.

To : Alice

Dear, your father had a reunion with his friends from college, and he didn't tell me until this afternoon, so we have to leave, you can use the spare one. Take care, okay? We love you.

Signed, Mom.

Caren peeked at the note from behind Alice's shoulder, then she said.

"Soooo, are we gonna enter or not?"

Alice smiled and said, "Sure, i have the spare key in my pocket."

When Alice searched her pocket she finds none and smiled nervously.

"Uhh, i think i forgot the key."


Alice laughed and said, "geez, Caren, i'm just kidding. The spare key is under the carpet, now if you would move from it."

Caren glared playfully and stepped away, Alice then lifted the carpet and grabbed the spare key, she opened the door using the key and turned to Caren.

"Will you come in or not?"


Caren smiled at the memory, she opened the door, and the first thing they heard is the sound of water running. They looked around, the things are clean, and looked properly cared. But there's no sign of the girl they're looking for.

Aria became curious by the sound of water and decided to follow it, the sound lead her to the bathroom.

When she opened the bathroom, she saw a terrible sight, and can't help but letting out a scream.

The other girls are looking around, but when they heard Aria's scream, they immediatly run to the source which is the bathroom

"Aria! What's wrong?! Is everything o-.. ?!" Caren started only to stop seeing the sight she never imagined of seeing.

Anna and Milly wasn't any better, their expression was full of shock and denial. Poor Aria, the first to found the sight was already crying.

There, Alice lies outside the tub, but her right hand was inside the water, which is hot, and the water around her wrist, is red.

Caren's mind stopped for a while, but then she yelled at her shocked friends.

"Anna! Aria! You guys searched for a bandage, anything to stop the bleeding! Milly! You're the strongest one of all of us, carry Alice out of the water and try to held her wrist to minimize the bleeding!"

They were all still shocked and so they were unable to process what Caren had said

"What are you guys doing?! Come on girls, snap out of it! Do you want her to die?!"

Finally, they snapped and did as they were told to do.

In her dry arms, Caren noticed that Alice was holding a crumpled piece of paper. Caren took it and read it.

'Thank you guys, Caren, Anna, Aria, Milly for being my friends even if it's for a short time. I'm not mad at you guys, well not anymore. I understand that it's better without me. And i just can't help but feel lonely without my parents so i decided to join them. I will still think of you all as my friend, so don't worry, i'll cherish it all.'

Caren gripped the paper and helped Aria and Anna in bandaging Alice's wrist.

'There's no way in hell i'll let you die because of a misunderstanding.'

Soooo, after a week or so, i finally updated, the next chapter is the last chapter and i intend on making an alternate ending because i feel like it.

As you can see, i changed the description to suit the story.


And thanks for reading. And hope you enjoy this story.

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