Chapter 6 : Presentation

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A day or two after Caren choose Milly over Alice had passed, the teacher, Mrs. Jane asked the student to presentate their project

"Now students, i want you to presentate in groups, because Alice doesn't have a group, she will presentate on her own. The score on the presentation was not the average of the group but individuall."

The student felt relieved that the score was scored individually, some were afraid that their score would be lower because of their teams mistake.

"Now, Alice Brianne, you should go first."

Alice brought her flashdisk and inserted it into a laptop, and using a projector, she showed her presentation and presentated it.

When Alice was done the teacher complimented her

"Good job, Alice. This presentation is better than your former ones."

Alice smiled and for once, she was oblivious to her classmates whisper

'She did better without Caren on her team?'

'Maybe it's just luck'

'But it is better than her former presentation....'

The teacher heard their whispering and said "Be quiet all, Alice you can go back to your seat. Will the next pair bring their presentation?."

As Alice went back to her seat, she passed Caren and Milly, Milly smiled while Caren mouthed 'Great job Alice'

Alice looked at them and smiled a fake one, but less strained.

When it was finally Caren and Milly's turn, they brought their presentation and presentate them. After Caren and Milly's presentation is over, the teacher told them to sit down and decided to reveal the score.

"All of you had done a good job, now i will reveal the score. The highest score of this project belongs to Alice Brianne, i should get you to always work on your own." The teacher teased her, while some student giggled. Alice herself just smiled embarassed, but deep inside, she's proud of herself

I don't have to rely on Caren.

The bell then rings signalling that break was starting.

"Alright class, it's break time. See you all in the next lesson"

The students went to their own group while Alice decided to go to the roof without Caren. She expected that Caren would want to talk to Milly about XYO group and other things.

But what Alice didn't expected was for Caren to went to her immediatly and said, "Alice, how did you do that?"

"Do what?" Alice asked back, confused

"Create a presentation like that, it's awesome!"

"Well i just typed it and it just kinda flow and i just typed what i think"

"We really have to group with each other next time! You have to teach how to create a presentation that good!"

"S-sure, i'm glad to be in the same group as you" Alice answered, a bit hesistant.

"Okay! I'll go to Milly, Bye! Hey Mil, are we really going to the concert?" Caren left Alice and went to Milly

"Yeah! Just the two of us right?" Milly answered

"Of course, i mean, who else should i invite anyway?"

"Okay then!"

'You used to tell me everything, how come i just know about this kind of thing?!'

Alice wanted to yell at Caren, but she just hold it back, not wanting to make a scene.

Sometimes i wonder..... are you using me to raise your score Caren?

Do you really dislike talking to me about that concert?

.... Am i right about all of my thoughts? Or am i overthinking things?

I know this chapter isn't as good as the others before, but i just didn't had any idea of what to write.

I'm glad that some of you still read my story.


Hope you enjoy my story and see you soon!

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