Chapter 1 : Introduction

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06.43 Am

Morning at the Brianne family was usual, the scent of coffee in the dining room along with the sizzling of a bacon, the only daughter is currently in her room, preparing her school bag.

"-check, Books...... check, pencil case..... check, i guess that's it"

That is the voice Alice Brianne, a seventeen years old girl who goes to Katrise Highschool, has dark brown hair which is tied up into a ponytail, her eyes are the colour of the sea.

After zipping her school bag, she went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Morning Mom, Morning Dad! What's for breakfast?".

Her mother greeted her back while her father gives her a nod, then he went back to drink his coffee.

Alice went down and sat beside her father, while her mom brought the bacon the her daughter's plate.

"You should eat your breakfast soon, or else you'll be late..." her mother stated.

"Don't worry mum, i'll just run to school...."

"If you say so..."


After Alice finished her breakfast, she pick up her school bag and went to the front door

"See you after school mom! Bye, Dad!"

Her parents said their farewell too, then they went to their daily activity as their daughter walks to school.


When she arrives at her school, she immediatly walked to her classroom, class "2-A".

When she opens her class's door, she saw a girl with short light brown hair, green eyes with slightly tanned skin, the girl is currently reading a book.

"Morning, Caren!" Alice greeted the girl

The girl, Caren, looked up from her book and saw Alice, she then grinned, closed her book and went to Alice

"Morning to you too, dear best friend~" Caren joked slightly

Caren and Alice belong in the 'yellow rose' group, but they are already close since elementary, you could see how close they are.

"Say, do you know that we might have a student that transfers here?" Caren asked her best friend.

"How should i know, i just arrived remember, why don't you tell me about it?" Replied a curious Alice

"They said the transfer student is a girl, i wonder which group will she belong......"

"Oh well, we'll just have to see later"

"Yeah you're right, by the way do yo-"

Caren's word was cut as the class's door opens and the teacher came in.

"I'll tell you at break, ok Alice?" Caren whispers afraid that the teacher might hear them.

"Sure, see you at lunch" Alice whispers back

Then they went to their seats, and the lesson officially starts


Well, here's chapter one....

THANK YOU : Fabul0usQueen2 for voting my story

Thank you to all who reads, vote or even comment, thank you soo much

I'll try to update soon

Thank you and enjoy reading

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