This is just a shit situation.

How could this get worse?

Suddenly it started to become very hot in here and I needed out. I haven't seen, or heard from my sister in god knows long. I didn't have time to worry about this. Especially tonight.

"So Jeff are these like the dressing rooms?" I faintly heard Aspen ask, my mind was kind of fuzzy, and my hearing was very off. How could someone do this everyday?

My thoughts were kind of tousled when I felt a door slam into my back. This caused me to say some unkindly words.

"What the fuck," instantly I rubbed my back, and by my choice of words Aspen and Jeff turned around and laughed. But then I saw Aspens face. Her mouth turned into a perfect circle. This caused me to turn around.

My mouth dropped. My stomach dropped. My heart dropped. I think I even felt my bladder throb, like I almost pissed myself. He was standing right in front of me.

At this point my plan fell right out of my mind. And I couldn't speak. I'm pretty sure I forgot how to speak. How do you say something to a person you haven't seen in five years?

Most people would be handling this situation differently, but I'm not a cry baby.

"Sarah Lynn? Sarah O'Riley? Wow, you haven't changed a bit," unlike mine, his accent was think. Which made me jealous. Since I was jealous I found some words to throw back at him.

"Yeah, same with you Horan. Still a cocky little prick?" At this point my arms were crossed over my sweatshirt (thank gosh it was covering the shirt with his face in it). And my face puckered.

He smirked. The smirk was all too familiar.

"Funny, actually I'm doing great. Thanks for asking," he chuckled. He knew I could do this all day, but he also knew he couldn't say anything too bad in front of everyone.

"Oh yeah, sorry. How does it feel to have a huge dick stuck in your throat? Is that little guy still doing good?" I raised my eyebrows questioning.

Niall squinted his eyes. "He is doing fantastic. Still having fun spreading your STD's around? I still remember that one as your many talents."

Okay, I brought it on to myself. I'm surprised Jeff didn't make Aspen and I leave. Since we were inches away from one of the biggest pop stars. I did know I had to stop talking, because this could last for days. But I also knew Aspen wanted to meet him, so I had to just close my trap.

"Sarah, we should go," Aspen said softly. Her arm tugged on mine, but I knew she didn't take her eyes off Niall.

I nodded, me as well not taking my eyes off him. "Yeah, this is a waste of my time," turning on my heals, ready to storm off, a beautiful British accent filled my ears.

"Niall what's going on out here?" It was Harry 's voice. Quickly turning back around he was staring at me. His eyes were wide at first, but softened. I swear I heard a squeal come out of Aspen. How is she even holding up?

"Oh, are you... You are um... That girl that Niall never stops--"

"Harry stop. She's about to leave," Niall places a hand on Harry's back, trying to push him back in the room. Harry doesn't budge. His eyes only stay locked with mine with a big smirk. Okay what the hell was that about? My stomach only dropped more.

"Lads, what in the bloody hell is going--" Louis, of course. Forgetting everything that is even happening right now I look down at Aspen who is trying to reach for me. She is speechless.

"Sorry to ruin this intense moment we are all having, I really need to leave, and my best friend needs a picture." Aspen slaps me on my hip. What the hell? I'm doing her a favor.

"Sarah you can't just tell One Direction you need a picture," The only person that is effected by this is Niall. Most likely agreeing with Aspen.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "Wow, my bad. Can my friend please get a picture with you guys?" The first person to respond was Louis. He was shaking his head yes. Thank gosh he was Aspen's favorite.

Nobody actually spoke, until Harry said something that only Aspen reacted to.

"How about you two come to our album release party, and then we take the picture?" In seconds Niall and I said no at the same time. This caused both of us to roll our eyes. It honestly felt like high school all over.

"It's not up to you two, plus Niall wouldn't you be--"

"Lads what's the hold up?" Liam, poor boy doesn't even know what's happening. But did he really have to come out now? Louis looked like he was about to say something that I needed to hear. I was literally so confused. Did Niall actually mention me to them? Why would he I mean all he did was pick on me in high school and hurt me.

The boys all looked at him, patting his back. "We will tell you in a second. One second," Niall said and turned back to face us. Jeff still was here. Saying nothing at all. Poor guy, he worked at a stadium, has to deal with drama all the time and now this?

He should be the one invited to this party.

"I guess you guys can come. Only for Aspen." Aspen about shit herself once she heard Niall say that. Myself, could care less to what he says. Again, I found Niall's eyes back on mine. Instantly my heart began to beat fast. That is right, I haven't seen this boy in five years... How is this happening right now?

"Thank you Niall for taking one for the team," Louis winks at his friend then looks over at Aspen. Then he winks at her and walks back in the room. Aspen, she's probably on the edge of dying right now. Me in the other hand, it doesn't effect.

"Yes, we'll see you ladies there, it will be at, well actually right down the street at 11 o'clock." Harry smiles, Liam only waves, but I do notice he has a smile on his face. Then Niall, all he does is smile at Aspen and quickly scowls at me.

"Such a charmer you are," I say, I faintly hear him chuckle before the door shuts.

-Authors note-


Omg. Finally it's gonna get good.

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