In Australia

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~5 Months Later~

Nirvana's POV

Well I'm eight months pregnant now and it quiet hard to do things and a month ago all of us came to Australia because our family's are here we miss them and both me and winter are getting close to having our babies, well me and Luke have bought a house and it has four bedrooms, three bathrooms has all the other things we need and a large backyard for when the kids grow up, since all of us have bought house, here in Australia for our new families and so we can be close to our parents, right now I'm at Gina's with Luke also Beau and Elizabeth, winter and Jai are at the hospital since she's been having contractions and because of her being pregnant with triplets they need to monitor her, I slowly got up off the couch and walked to the bathroom, as I sat down I heard a pop which confused me then I heard another one, I got up and washed my hands I went to flushed the toilet and walked back down, I felt weird, I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and had a feeling of two babies moving heaps, I walked out the backyard and Oliver ran over to me

"Oh Oliver be careful of your aunty Vana" Elizabeth said from the swing set were she was pushing Olivia, he ran back to her, I gasped when a heard pop and another one, then I realized I didn't go to the bathroom two of my waters broke and the other two just now, I looked at Gina, she ran over when she noticed my facial expression

"Did your waters break?" She asked, I nodded

"Okay let's clean you up okay" she said helping me walk inside as she did Elizabeth went to the phone to call Luke since him and Beau left to get some stuff to cook, I got in the shower and gina helped clean me up, I dressed in joggers and a singlet with a cardigan, I went to the room where some of mine and Luke stuff was and started to pack a bag, Gina brought in some white outfits for them since me and Luke wanted a surprise but both our mums know so they have shopped for what ever gender they are, I walked down stairs slowly and sat on the couch waiting for Luke to turn up, I gripped Gina's hand each time I had a contraction, suddenly in ran the boys

"You okay?" Luke asked

"get me to the hospital" I said, he helped me up and we walked to the car, Luke was driving fast to the hospital much to me and Gina telling him to slow down, we got there and Luke rushed in and out came a couple nurses with a wheel chair, I was rushed in and pulled into a room, were a coincidence that winter was laying in her bed holding a baby in a pink blanket, another one in a portable cot wearing blue this time and Jai walking in with another baby wrapped in blue, he looked shocked to to see me

"What's going on?" He asked

"It seems they think it's time to come" I said doing deep breaths

"So our kids are going to be born close together" Winter said smiling, I nodded and a contraction came, the nurse was checking me over

"Not time yet we need to wait" she said, I groaned and Luke walked in sitting in a chair beside me holding my hand, I started to cry

"oh baby no what's wrong" Luke asked, I sniffled

"What if something happens to them" I said freaking out

"Nothing will I talked to the nurse there okay all healthy and there not in any distress" he said I started to calm down, he kissed my forehead.

~Hours later~

Here I am set up to have a caesarian, with Luke beside me holding my hand, I felt nothing and it was weird, there were lots of nurses in here since of my pregnancy being dangerous, I heard them taking all this stuff about technical stuff with my body

"Okay we've got the first baby and it's a boy" the doctor said, then the room filled with his little cries, I smiled and Luke kissed my cheek, he went and cut the cored, they showed me him quickly and took him to be checked, Luke told me they started to get the next baby, I heard a second cry, fill the room

"It's a girl" the doctor said, Luke cut the cored and they brought her over, she was the same size as our boy, they took her away as well, but she would stop crying so it made me feel bad, I just lay there waiting for the next cry and suddenly I heard it full the room Luke face lit up

"We have another boy Vana another boy" he said happily, I smiled at his reaction after he cut the cord I got a quick look at him he was a bit smaller than the other two, after a while the rushed holding a baby in there arms on to a table, I started to freak out Luke was trying to stay calm as well, there were doctors at me as well they must be sewing me up, suddenly I heard a little cry, they brought my last baby over

"You had another girl she okay now" she nurse said showing me her.

Luke's POV

I was waiting in the room for them to bring in Nirvana and the babies, the doors opened and there was Nirvana with all four in her arms, I walked over, and gave me a look to pick one up the nurse put two on them in my arms one boy and one girl I noticed, they were the first two born, by there face and size, I looked at Nirvana

"There here" she's whispered smiling, I stood up she move over slowly and carefully since she's sore and is holding two babies, I sat beside her

"You scared us" I whispered kissing my other girl that's in Nirvana's arm, she moved and cuddled into Nirvana more

"She's going to be a mummy's girl" I said, she nodded in agreement

"I bet our other girl will be a daddy's girl" she said, I looked at the girl in my arm and she was cuddling into me, I looked at my little family I had and I can't wait to take these little ones home and be with Nirvana properly.

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