Sleepless night

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Nirvana's POV

I woke up with a giant pain it stay for a little bit then went away I looked over to see Luke asleep on the lazy boy with a blanket on his feet I slowly got out of bed and walked over to him and put the blanket on his body and moved the hair of his face and kissed his forehead he shuffled a little but then went back to sleep I walked back to the bed I got another contraction and I lent over on the bed on my elbows

"Arg Luke" I said in pain

"Luke!" I shouted I heard something behind me and it was Luke rubbing my back

"It looks like your getting into labor" he said

"No shit" I said I slightly stood up and looked at him

"Sorry" I said

"It's fine I'll press the nurse button and get her in here" he said reaching over to press the button the nurse came in straight away

"Have your contractions finally started to get worse" she said

"Yeah" I breathed out

"Ok let's get you on the bed and we will see how much your dilated" she said Luke helped me on the bed I lifted my legs up she put a blanket over my legs got a pair of gloves on and checked me she got her gloves off

"You've got a while yet your only three centimetres dilated I'll be back in a bit to check again" she said

"Arghh noo" I whined as she walked out Luke rubbed my belly

"It's fine" he said trying to make me calm

"No it's not I have to sit like this till I'm ten centimetres dilated I'm only three then I have to push not one but two baby's out so no it's not going to be argh" I said and my talking ended with me having a contraction I grabbed Luke's hand to hold Luke had told everyone when I got to five centimetres and that was at nine thirty PM. Beau, Gina, Jai, Winter and my mum were at the hospital the others will be here tomorrow

______FEW HOURS LATER______

I'm finally ten centimetres dilated and the contractions hurt like a bitch

"All right Nirvana I'm gunna need you to push on the next contraction" the doctor said I nodded Luke held my hand

"Argh" I groaned a pushed as hard as I could

"Good Nirvana your gunna have to do another big push to get the out I can see it" she said

"And.. push" the doctor said

"Ahhh" I screamed I felt a bit of relief after that one

"Your gunna have to do a another big push and then the first baby is out" the doctor told me I looked at Luke

"Your almost there" he said and kissed my cheek

"Nirvana I'm gunna need you to push" the doctor said to me I pushed as hard as I could and I felt major relief I also heard a little baby cry

"It seems like you little girl pushed her way out first" she said and lay her on my chest Luke cut the cord and they took her away to be cleaned up and checked out Luke bent down and kissed my lips

"You did it" he said leaning his forehead against mine

"Ah huh" I said still breathing a little heavy few minutes later the erg to push

"Agh" I groaned

"Nirvana it looks like your little boy is ready to come I'm gunna need you to push" the doctor

"Arg ahh ha" I groaned

"Nirvana it looks like his umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck so your gunna have to work extra hard now push" she said

"Ahhh" I screamed

"A little more" the doctor said

"I can't I can't it's to hard" I said whimpering

"You can Nirvana just do another big push" Luke said I nodded

"Ok ok" I said

"Now Nirvana push one last time" the doctor said

"Argh" I scrunched my face up I heard a baby cry and he got laid on my chest

"Ha ha I did it" I said happily Luke cut the cord and they took him away I got cleaned up and my bed did to I was in bed and my mum, Gina, Beau, Winter and Jai came in I said hellos to them but I wasn't in the conversation that long I fell asleep

'I'll get to meet my baby's soon'

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