Day After

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Elizabeth's POV

Everyone came over to Nirvana's, but she's still asleep, when Cassidy came in I done a stupid thing and attacked her then I said what happened but Luke doesn't believe me he thinks Nirvana is making it up I had Oliver on my hip everyone was around the bench eating breakfast, I heard steps

"Elizabeth my face looks horrible it's covered in bruises and I think my nose is broken" I heard Nirvana shout upset she walked in covering her face and she was crying I pulled her hands away her eyes was bruised and her nose was all red and bruised also I got her to sit on the bench she did but she covered her face

"Nirvana show us your face" Jai said serious she took her hands away everyone gasped Winter looked at her nose and touched it she basically screamed

"Aunty Vana what happened" Tea said walking in

"I'm fine my little Tea Aunty Vana just was hurt by a mean person" Nirvana said bending to Tea's level Tea pouted

"Who would be so mean" Tea said she kiss Nirvanas cheek and ran to Ariella

"Nirvana" Luke said standing up he stood in front of her he looked at her face he went to touch her but she stepped back

"Don't touch me" she said she turned and walked out of the room Tea hugged Luke's leg he lifted her up on his hip she kissed his cheek

"Don't worry uncle Lukey, Aunty Vana just upset" Tea said Luke smiled at the little blonde girl on his hip she gave him a big smile and showed her dimples that she got from her mum which made her extra cute

"Thank you Tea" Luke said to her and kissed her forehead she hugged his neck and stay in his arms she always had a nice relationship with Luke he obviously was her favourite uncle and even though she never really met Nirvana properly she loved her to bits even Nirvana loved her lots too and treated her like her own daughter so did Luke I guess it was because Ariella and Nirvana started to hang out more when they were both pregnant even James and Luke got closer sometimes I wonder if Nirvana and Luke still had there little ones Eve and Ezra then what would our life be like in those two years her being gone I reckon they would still be together maybe engaged and had another child but when we talk to Nirvana about marriage or Children especially children she shuts down the conversation.


Nirvana's POV

My bruises have gone down everyone is coming over to mine even Luke and Cassidy who she Im going to not talk to basically avoid, I headed downstairs I had Maddy-Rose in my arms and Tea holding my hand we walked in the lounge were everyone was sitting I sat down next Luke Tea went and sat on Luke's lap I laid Maddy down on her stomach on the blanket

"Nirvana when is your hot friend coming" Elizabeth said Beau looked at her she put her hands up in defence

"You gotta admit he is really hot" Winter said fanning herself

"Brown hair" Ariella said

"Brown eyes" Yasmin said

"Oohh" all us girls said the boys frowned, we all giggled at there reactions, suddenly my phone ringed it was Jacob

"Hello......Hey Nirvana......Jacob I miss you......I miss you too......why are you calling?......well I think you should come too your front door......okay......bye......wait" he had hung up on me, the door bell went, I got up and headed to the front door and there he was Jacob (Looks Like Image Above) I screamed and jumped in his arms, his tattooed arms wrapped around me I got to my feet and he smiled at me

"Your here, your early, oh my god" I said stumbling on my words we both laughed I helped him with his things and got them in the spare bedroom

"Come meet everyone" I said and grabbed his hand and led him downstairs to my lounge where everyone was, they all looked up when I walked in

"Guys this is Jacob" I said introducing him to them

"Jacob these are my friends I've told you about before Beau, Jai, Luke, Daniel, James, Ariella, Yasmin, Elizabeth and that's my twin sister Winter" I said smiling they all said hi

"And that's Cassidy Luke's girlfriend" I said pointing to her she did a wave to him, I got Jacob to sit down and I sat on his lap, everyone started to talk to Jacob and ask him questions the guys were getting along with him well not all of them Luke wasn't even trying which was annoying, I stood up

"I'm gunna make some dinner now"I said everyone nodded

"How does everyone feel about home made pizza" I continued they all agreed, I went off to the kitchen to start on the dough for the base.

I finally set the food in the lounge and everyone dug in, even though I'm not happy with Luke I'd really like for him to get along with Jacob. We had finished our food and I decided maybe it would be good to talk to Luke now

"Hey Luke can we talk?" I asked he nodded at me and we got up and walked to the stairs and sat next to each other

"Why are acting funny around Jacob?" I asked him, he sighed

"I just get a bad vibe from him and I don't like it" he said, I rolled my eyes at his comment

"Luke you don't even know him so don't say I get a bad vibe from him he's a great guy and he's my best friend" I said looking at him, he looked at me

"Vana I being serious" he said, I stood up

"Yano I put up with your girlfriend who I don't like so the least you could do is fake it for me like I do for you" i Said angrily at him

"You know what maybe we shouldn't stay friends it's obviously to hard!" I shouted at him pissed off

"Good I don't want to see you anyway!" He shouted back, standing up

"Good!" I shouted angrily

"Good!" He shouted back at me the same we both walked off, I heard the front door slam and I slammed my bedroom door.

Winter's POV

Both doors slammed all of us jumped in shock, I looked at Jai worried, he was frowning, Cassidy got up smirking to herself that's what she wanted Nirvana out of the picture, she walked out obviously to see Luke then Jacob got up to see Nirvana

"This is not good" I said

"If they can't even talk to each other then how can we hang out like old times" Yasmin said sadly, we all looked at each other like we were scared that our old group would never be that again.

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