Sleep did not come easy.

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When I awoke a few hours later, the sound of someone - or something - shuffling around my bedroom met my ears. Still groggy from sleep, I remained still under my blankets, a brief feeling of panic jolting me. I swallowed hard, listening closer, and heard the assumed person pull my computer chair out and sit. My jaw clenched, and I held my breath, waiting with fear for any further indication of if I was crazy and hearing something or if a person was actually in my room with me. I heard a hoarse cough.

Oh, God. Had someone broken in?

Afraid to move, I finally heard a verbal noise from the intruder - a deep laugh combined with a heavy sigh. The person spoke.

"Jeonghan, you can stop pretending you're dead."

I exhaled shakily, relief filling me as I recognized the voice. Rolling over slowly, I rubbed at my eyes and glanced over at my desk where he was sitting, his back to me and his fingers clicking rapidly on my mouse through my computer.

"You scared me, Jihoon," I murmured through a yawn. "And what're you doing on my computer?"

"Nevermind that," he replied, still scrolling through webpages that I couldn't identify due to my still-slightly blurred vision. "The better question is what would you do if someone had broken in? It's good to know you'd lay there like an idiot and wait to be murdered, I mean really, Jeonghan?"

I yawned, sitting up and pushing the blanket to my waist as I narrowed my eyes at my best friend. "How did you get in here, anyway? You better not have broken the lock or anything - "

"Oh, shush," he waved me off with a hand. "Not like that shitty lock would be so hard to crack to begin with... but the door was actually open, you moron." He turned to glance at me, eyeing me with disapproval. "What am I going to do with you? You have the common sense of a brick wall."

"Shut up," I mumbled, leaning forward to get a better look at what he was so intrigued with on my computer. My eyes widened slightly upon the realization that he'd gone through my history of pages about Seungcheol and Wonwoo I'd spend hours looking through last night. "What are you - "

"What am I doing? What are you doing, Jeonghan? You have almost two hundred pages about this douchebag - " he paused, clicking to a particular site. Clearing his throat, he read aloud the printed words on the screen. "Twenty facts you didn't know about Choi Seungcheol. Number one... he has around seventy different ear piercings. Two... is the oldest of the family. Three... favorite singer growing up was Samy Deluxe - whoever the hell that is... ummm... number four..."

I attempted to drone Jihoon's voice out as he continued to ridicule me unmercifully. Rubbing my eyes roughly, I inhaled and exhaled deeply, on the verge of exploding with how irritating Jihoon was being just tossing all of my embarrassing findings into my face. Yet, he continued.

"...Six... he hates loose clothes - "

"Just stop already!" I finally burst out, glaring daggers at my best friend. His eyes widened for a moment before he rolled them, and he spun around in my chair to face me.

"Well number six is something you already know, I'd hope. Just look at the guy - "

"Jihoon," I groaned, pressing my face into my open palms and shaking my head. "Just stop, I get it. I don't want to hear anymore."

"Fine, but you do realize I'm doing this out of love for you, right?" He pressed. A moment later I felt his hand on top of my leg, caressing it gently with compassion. "I mean, what you're doing can't be healthy, boy."

25 Days With Mr. ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now