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I never thought I would loathe the sound of my cell phone as much as I did at this moment. Its incessant and obnoxious ringtone echoed persistently and made me want to rethink my choice of song for the next time that I change it. I ignored it, however, and rolled my face into the soft, cool material of my pillow, sighing in content when my dark room was filled with the comfortable silence once more.

This did not last long.

That damn ringtone resonated through the air again, the vibration humming noisily against the solid surface of the table, and I groaned, rubbing my face roughly into the pillow.

"For fucks sake..."

Rolling onto my side, I reached blindly for the phone, my fingers grasping it weakly and bringing it to my ear.


"And you finally pick up."

My eyes shot open upon the recognition of the deep, male voice on the other line.

Oh, God...

"Seungcheol," I sighed, reaching up to rub at my temples.

"Were you busy?" He demanded irritably, "Did I interrupt you?"

"No," I mumbled. "I was just... sleeping."

"Do you know what time it is?"

I let my head roll to the side, my gaze locking on the neon numbers of my alarm clock. I groaned, my eyelids fluttering closed again. "It's seven-thirty."

"Right," He snapped. "And it's time for you to get your ass over here. I'm starving."

I inhaled slowly, lying still wrapped within the warm confines of my blankets. "Then eat."

"Don't be a smartass," He seethed. "I'm starving and it's day one of our contract. Get out of the bed and come feed me."

"Excuse you?" I hissed, sitting up in my bed and ignoring the sudden dizziness that overcame my vision from the sudden movement. "Who the hell do you think you-"

"You have half an hour," He interrupted evenly. "I expect you here with something edible."

"But I - "

"No but's," He snapped. "And I swear to God if you bring cereal or eggs..."

I scowled. "Then what do you want?"

"Hmm, surprise me," He drawled.

"Well that's not specific," I sneered. "You know I can't cook."

"Thirty minutes."


Setting the phone down with a shaky hand, I let my body fall back into the blankets. I turned my face into the pillow, inhaled slowly, and let out a muffled scream. Alas, I forced myself out from underneath the covers and strolled on out of my room. Junhui was up, humming to himself in the kitchen as he poured a golden-colored batter into a waffle maker. He smiled when I emerged from around the corner, honing wrinkled sweats and a loose hooded sweatshirt.

"You're up early," He observed, pressing the iron waffle grill closed. "You're not supposed to be up for another..." Junhui pretended to look down at his wrist. "Five hours."

I rolled my eyes at his mockery, "I got shit to do," I yawned, glancing around the living room for my set of keys. When I noticed the subtle suspicion in his gaze, I cleared my throat, elaborating, "For a... for a project."

"Well, I made breakfast, if you want any," He nodded towards a plate of waffles, steaming lightly and smelling absolutely heavenly. I was so grateful to have Junhui as my roommate - his cooking skills were phenomenal. "I put some chocolate chips in it for some pizazz." He motioned to the bag of brown chips next to him, adding with a smile, "Your favorite."

25 Days With Mr. ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now