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Junhui was in an especially good mood the next morning, and when I shuffled tiredly into the kitchen, he was humming over a sizzling skillet of what smelled to be eggs and hash browns. He looked up and beamed when I slid woozily into my usual seat. "Morning!" He sang, turning his back on me to continue pushing around the eggs and potatoes in the pan. "Hungry?"

I yawned against my hand and shook my head, "No. I'm okay, thanks." There was a long moment of silence, and I felt the annoying question tugging at my thoughts. "Did you... have a good night?"

He sighed, his shoulders slumping in content, and turned to flash his giddy smile in my direction. "Oh, yes," He grinned. "I had a wonderful evening. Seungcheol's so..." He paused, his eyes twinkling. "So great, you know? I can't even explain it. He gives me butterflies."

I had to fight back a roll of the eye and instead nodded in feigned understanding. The truth was I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. How did he see anything great in that man? Regardless, I continued to nod as if I could relate to his opinion on the despicable, vile, infuriating man I'd wanted to maul since the first moment I'd communicated with him. Still, as I sat there convincing myself otherwise, the image of his angry face so close to mine - his body practically molded to mine, in the hallway the prior evening, wouldn't leave my mind. I frowned slightly, confusion still distorting my thoughts. I had no clue why he behaved that way, or why I reacted that way. I was slightly horrified with myself at the realization that I'd detected his breath, the scent of his skin, the feel of the smooth material of his clothing against my skin. I'd done that sort of thing with Joshua when we'd first started dating; the typical, flirtatious little details that many anybody observed on others that they were interested in.

I held back the urge to gag.

Seungcheol? Me? Interested in him?



I glanced up, shaking my head slightly, "Sorry - what?"

"God," He laughed lightly, rolling his eyes and turning the stove off. "You always space out. I was asking you what you think of him."

"Of Seungcheol?"

He paced over to the table with the handle of the skillet gripped tightly in his dainty little hand, and dumped the eggs onto his plate. "Mm," He affirmed, situating himself in front of me. "I mean, I know you hardly know him - " Oh, God, if he knew. If he knew the half of it. "But I mean, I want to know your impression of him."

"You know what I think of him," I replied dryly. "I think he's a moron. He seems like an ass."

The biggest ass alive, I reminded myself.

"Oh, come on," He smiled slightly, taking a bite of his food. "He's actually a sweetheart. He stayed for like two hours after you went to bed."

I cocked an eyebrow in surprise, "Only a two hours?"

"Yeah, I wish I asked him to stay," He sighed disappointedly. "But he said he had to be up early or something. But he said he'd call me again!"


He chewed quietly for a moment, his eyes locked on his plate. Finally, he looked up, and a playful grin spread across his features. "God, he makes me want to combust, Jeonghan. You have no idea." I opened my mouth, ready to reply with something witty and sarcastic, but my response was interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating in the pocket of my hoodie. I pulled it out and glanced at the screen.


"Who's that?" Junhui asked between bites, his curious gaze wandering to the phone in my hand.

25 Days With Mr. ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now