chapter 27

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 ill put the music vid in side bar thinger. i loveee this song.

If life had background music right now it would be playing Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit, because right now I was about to break her fucking face tonight.

"You really wanna fucking go again you fuck arsehole. There is more to life then just fucking high school, maybe it is time to learn that to get ANYWHERE in this world you have to have respect for others and self respect! Going around and fucking every guy you see is NOT they way to prove that. Reality check hun, the world is not your playboy!"

I could feel myself starting to change and rip her head off. The consent shifting back and forth of my bones were really getting annoying. I fought back my rage as much as I could. 

'I'm bout to rip her fucking face off and eat her body for dinner.' I tried to say in a calm voice hoping one of the boys would hold me back before I do something stupid.

Too late.

I snapped forward and punched her right across the face making her nose bleed... once again. I blacked every sound out, I could tell that she was trying to yell at me but I kept cussing her out and browsing what ever part of her body my fist fell on.

"Ivy!" I heard Peter's voice call my name sternly and his arms fold around my chest and then pick me up off my feet holding me back. Rage was still boiling inside me as I continued to try and punch her out. 

I saw Kyle holding back the other girl and she calmed down almost instantly and looked like she she in heaven. That's when Peter made a mistake and put me down. With all the force in the whole world behind my fist, I swiftly slammed it into her face making her fall to the ground and cry in pain. 

I kicked sand on her then walked off and climbed up a jetting before anyone could ketch up to me. I ran down it not watching my footing or looking for any loos rocks. 

I could hear that one or two of the guys were fallowing. I was still cussing her out and muttering under my breath. I was cooling off a bit but I was still pissed as hell and she better not fuck with me again. Only to avail I was wrong.

I can't loose a fight, I was just born that way, and even if I was wrong I cover it up as much as I can or not admit to it.

At one point running down the rocks I misplaced my foot and fell hard. That only added onto the swears and anger. What ever.

I got back up and walked feeling pain shoot from my ass, great that awesome!

"You okay Ivy?" Peter asked from behind me.

"Oh yeah just great, I mean the browsed ass is a bones too!" I shot back sarcastically. 

I glanced over my sholder to see Ace was smerking and holding back his laughter.

"Oh shut the fuck up Ace." I snarled.

"Come on Ivy, don't let that girl get to you!" He wined.

"It's not just her." I sat down on the rock as I realized I got that bad feeling I was pushing off come back and churn my stomach. Peter and Ace sat down on either side on me ready for me to talk. I felt Peter put his arm around me and I rested my hand on the top of his thigh.

"Then what else is it?" Ace practicality whispered as he stared out at the ocean. He looked like he wasn't paying attention but I know him and he's a lot like me. I knew he was listening very intently with his mind almost clear enough that he wasn't think about anything else. That's what I do at least, it's a really nice feeling too.

"I have a really bad feeling, I got it when I beat up the slut the first time. I pushed it off but now its back and in a way really hurts."  That was true, it made my stomach churn like I was about to through up and my mussels tighten in my throat. 

"That's making you mad?" Peter seemed a little puzzled but ace seemed to get it.

"Well I'm also still pissed I am a wolf." I muttered hoping he wouldn't hear that.

"Being a wolf isnt all that bad, I find it pretty fun." 

"You're not the one that has been having black outs and weird things in their eyes or even being sliced up by a goon that finds it funny when he is about to kill you. Really not as fun as you might think." 

Ace was still looking out at the ocean in expression on his face but I knew he was really pissed off when I brought that up.

"Let's start heading back and get out of here before that 'bad feeling' turns into something." Peter offered. Ace stood up looking like a zombie still looking in the same direction. It's kind of hard to pull yourself out of that but he managed to break free and stare at the rocks he started to step on. 

We got down onto the ground and that's when I felt something hard hit the back of my head. Everything started to fade black and I fell.

Where was I falling to though? Death?

 ik i uplaoded this one fast, i hope you like, I really have a good idea to end off the book, and it seems to me that im writing  a book two!!! :D im really exsited, I hope you guys are too! :) ill be starting to work on chaopter 28 today, might not be up right away thogh we will have to see:) love you guys:)

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