chapter 9

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again sorry guys for the last chapter, wasnt my best ill try and make this one better, love you guys, comment tell me how Im doing 201 reads in less then a week woot woot! :) fan me so i can check out your pages!:) rawk on \m/

I walked into the kitchen to open the fridge and take out a root beer. When I closed the fridg doors I cought a glimps of something out in the yard, something shinnie. I decided to go investagate.

I walked out sipping from my can and stopped to look around the yard. I peered over that the swing set, that for some reaso nwe still ahd and the swings were moving back and forth. There could have been a sudden breeze that just wipped through here but I douted it. Something sent a shiver down my spine as I put down my soda can and walked over to the woods line.

I jumped when I heard my soda can fall over and spill on the ground, now when the boys come and find me they will think I was kid napped or something. I turned to face the woods and looked deep throgh them tuning into my wolf eye sight. I could see there was some dark shadows moving about in the trees.

Really? Did there really have to be people aroung, or even werewolfs or what ever, I was really hoping I didnt have to tear up another set of close, I already need to go buy another bra.

I rolled my eyes at that thought and jsut shrugged it off, I'll convinse the boys to go the Hot Topic with me later today once I got back from my quick exsploration. I looked over my sholder once last time and then jumpped over the 2 foot high rock wall as I changed. I landed with a thud and looked down at my ripped up close.

I ran as fast as I could before my brother and friends relized I was gone and desided that it was their job to try and find me. I was able to fight for my self I dont need to be protected every step of the way.

I ran throgh the wood and made it to the place where I was pushed to a stop by my so wonderful friend Peter.  I slowed to a walk, it was already about a mile from the house and I didnt want to get to far away from home that I got lost. I shot my eyes over to the direction I heard a twig snap.

My stomach twisted as I stood defesivly ready to tackel anyone that was going to lay a hand on me. But out came Briten from behind the tree.

"Hey baby!" I narrowed my eyes at him, I didnt even know him and he was calling me baby, I should just rip his head off now and fall in love with someone who's not wolf bound.

'Dont call me baby, we JUST met.' I growled.

'Settel down its not like I'm asking you to have a baby or just down under me right now.' he chuckled. I swear if there was one word that I could use to descrie teen age boys it would be perverts. All they ever think about is it, do they not have anylife?

'Perv.' I mutteered back. Well I was here I might as well just talk to him and ask him whats up with the people who are in my woods stalking my house.

'Sooo Briten,' I scouled his name, 'my brother just gave me a quick over view of this whole wolf thing mind telling me more?' I asked.

'Sure but you gotta be nicer and you got to be in human form.' He looked me over.

'Scue this.' I sighed and started to walk away when he started laughing inside my head, I had to say he had a pretty hot laugh and voice but I tried to ignor that cause was telling me not to trust him and him saying mate didnt make any sense.

'Ivy, I was joking dont go I want you to stay and talk a little.' He gave me a dazzed smile and the way the shadows hit his face made him seem kinda familiar but I shook the feeling. I have really bad day-ja-vou or how ever you spell it. And I seem to have a small case of being scitifrantic but that only seemed to happen, at the most, once a month.

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