chapter 12

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thanks for all the sapport:) fan me I would really like to read some more stuff from you guys and know who u r:) leave a comment giving some ideas? that would be awesome!:) rawk out peeps \m/

I rolled down my window to feel a wave of wind come down and wip agents me face. It felt nice but I ignored it as I started calling names to the ideotic wold out the window.

"Go away you dick! No one fucking wants you! I beet you dont even have a mate! See you next Tuesday CUNT!" I screemed and I heard a line of guys cracking up from behind me. I turned back to sit in my seat. I saw Ace laugh a little then step on the gas.

We were on a road that no one ever travieled on, it was made of dirt and its one of the shortest ways to get from mine and Ace's house to Hunter's. We were hitting at least 100mph now and if there was another car that just happened to bacomeing down this one-lane road, we would have recked.

"Ace slow down a little."

"Oh come on we are finaly lossing him though." he complained and then stepped ferther down on the brakes.

"Ace really stop." I half shouted, my fist clenched and  the knot in my stomach seeped to grow tighter.

"Come one Ivy, nothings going to happen! Are you woosing out on us?" Ryan teased. I turned and through a punch to his sholder.

"Ay, whats wrong with you Ivy? Normaly you are fine with this kinda stuff, you are the one coaght speeding 3 months ago 60 miles over the limit!" Hunter pointed out as I glared at him.

"Just shut up." I muttered hottly under my breath still shooting daggers at him.

"Whoa..." Peter sounded asonished as the three boys looked into my eyes. This lightened me up as I wondered what the hell they were stairing at.

"What?" I asked.

"Your eyes... They are red." Ryan wispered under his breath. I shot around in my seat and opened the mirror. I loked at myself to see only that they were right, my eyes were a blood red color. I smiled to myself and I looked evil. But then the smiled vanished as I cought a glimps of Ace stairing at me as we were going 120 mph.

"Ace! At least keep you eyes on the road!"

"Okay now thats scary." He said under his breath as he turned to face the road. I looked back into the mirror then shut it reelizing I was kinda scared of what was happening to me, like what if I woke up and I was a demain or something. We would defenetly get some riled up moshes at our gigs then.

"What do you think it means?" I turned to see every one shrug with just as much confution as me. I leaned my head agent the window then I felt some ones big hand rest on my sholder. 'It will be okay.' Peter said in my head... that made me think, what if  I was mated to him?

I was desterbed from my thought when I saw bright headlighets quickly comeing torwds us. I gasped and shoated something but was really sure what as I was cought up in the moment.

I felt the car jerk and the lights disapear and heard a caar horn beep loadly.

When the car came to a stop I opened my eyes and looked at all the debrie flying up every where. We were on the side of the road, thank god we just missed the ditch.

"Ace are you fucking crazy? You could have killed us, or wrecked our music stuff!" I shouted at him. I had every right to be mad at him but I regreted sounding like that, cause now I sound like my mom.

"But I didnt! I didnt hurt anyone or and instroments! We are all fine, I got I all under controll!" Ace flipped out on me then hit the gas and we spun onto the road.

We sat in sighlents the rest of the way to Hunter's house. I jumped out and Got my bags and bass, I didnt bring my amp cause between Hunter and his dad they had like 1000 diffrent amps we can use. Every one was already making their way into the house when I was stopped by Peter.

"You okay?" he asked grabing my sholder.

"Yeah I'm fine.. What about you?" I asked with nothing else to say looking down at the ground. He laughed a little,

"I'll be fine." Every thing fell quiet.

"Akward turtel." I said trying to make the hand movments but epicly failed with my hands full of shit.

"Nice try." I laughed. We turned and started to walk back inside joking the whole way. When we got down stairs to where we were gonna sleep I sat down on the sofa and watched the boys tackel each other, witch ended up bringing me in.

I felt proud of my self when I relized that no one felt the need to easy on me. I hated when guys were sexas and think they need to go easier or something on girls because they are 'fragil' or what ever, that kinda stuff pisses me off.

Next it was me agents Ace. When I went into take him down by acsadent I hit... that place and he went down. I covered my smile as I watched Ace roll over onto his back grouning.

"Sorry bro. Wont happen again." I laughed out. I looked up to see everyone else giggeling too. Ace rolled out of the way and I stood in the middle of the 'ring'. "So who's next?" I questioned. Peter stood up.

"My turn, you're going down little girl." I smiled meekly and went into take him down but he grabbed my side and lifted me up and let go making my land on my back. I wined a little in pain but the flipped to my back before he could pin me down. He sat on my back and put me into a submition.

"Tap out." He ordered into my ear making me flinch, but I didnt boreder the desition as I tried to wiggle my way out of the hold.

"Im good." I offered back. I snapped over making him fly onto his back letting go of my arms. I got up to my feet and looked down at him. I stpepped on his stomach and he flipped me off making me land on my ass.

I quickly crawled over and put him in to a head lock. Then the door opened.

I looked up to see Hunters mom in shock looking at all of us. She did seem to like me that much or she just missed understood me. Im not sure. I looked up at her and gave her a big grin as I tightened my grip around Peter's neck.

"What are you guys doing you all look tired and Ace, are you okay hun?" I gave her a thumbs up.

"Mom we are just playing around no biggy." Hunter cherped at he laughed at me having the upper hand.

"Okay well just be carefull." She clossed the door and walked away. Well I was destracted Peter flipped me over onto my back and strattled my waited pinning down my sholders. I tried my best to keep one of mine off the ground and flip over onto my stomach.

Once the stomache part failed I quckly lifted my foot up and kicked the back of his head. "Ow!" He said lightening up on my sholders a little so I could then toss him off.

I grined to myself at what a good job I was doing. I got onto his back making him fall face first to the ground, he cought him self then I got off and rolled him over.

"So who was it that was gonna lose again?" I teased.

"You know you are much more intimadating with red eyes." He laughed. I sat on his cest and pinned down his sholders. I looked into his eyes,

"Ha ha I win." I laughed as I flooded to my back out of breath. The others were laughing a little but then stoped when I stood back to my feet. I walked over and plopped my self back on to the sofa, Peter fallowing, and watched Ryan and Hunter go after each other.

Life was goooood.

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