Chapter 3

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Hey guys i'm up to 20 reads thank you guys soo much! I've been trying really hard on this book and please take note i'm not the best speller and i may mess up some times, but thank you for all the support! comment below for ideas i could put in my book to give it a little more 'jazz' i guess lol. thank again enjoy :)

I felt two sets of big arms grab my sides right before I passed out. I could feel the water rush against my face and then the cool air make chills go down my spine. I couldn't hear or see or do anything I was lost to the world all I could do was feel, yet I was calm. I felt some one pound on my back then press on my stomach. All scenes came to me when I started to cough and gag as water came rushing up and out of my mouth.

I almost died.

That thought hit me as I regained my sight and looked to see Ace and Peter right next me as Ryan and Hunter looked stunned standing behind them. Suddenly, a pain ran through my arm and I looked down to see a huge bruise forming all around the spot the sensation was coming from. I squinted my eyes as tears ran down my face. I felt Ace wrap his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry... just don't tell dad what we are about to do."  Ace whispered then I felt Peter take my arm and moved it feeling like he was breaking it again. A scream escaped my lips and I have no clue what they were about to do until I felt Ace sink his teeth into my arm.  I screamed at the top of my lungs but was quickly covered by Peter as he through his hand over my mouth. The pain soon left my body in a tingly sensation and I looked down to see a bite mark slowly vanish only leaving blood behind.

"What the hell?" I muttered. My eyes flickered and I winced as a loud high pitch sound pierced my ear and stayed there, making me yell to my brother to make it stop. For some odd reason he gave me his arm and told me to bite it. Confused I still did it, small part of revenge.

The sound went away and I could suddenly smell all the sweat every one was producing as they feared for my death but then all that finished with in seconds.

"What just happened?" Ryan, Hunter and Peter all started to back up.

"Is your arm healed yet?"

"It doesn't hurt but what the fuck happened!?" I demanded.

"Well you fell," Ryan offers.

"Thanks Sherlock!"  I growled.... wait I just growled. What the hell!

"I turned you into a werewolf.  I bit you and you drank my blood you are now a werewolf." Ace said that as fast as he could and then blocked his face. Sure I was mad but who the hell wouldn't want to be a werewolf that is so fucking awesome.

I jumped up and everyone flinched "I'm not gonna hurt you guys, yet, I will get revenge for almost killing me though. A lot of revenge." Ace stood up and gave me a hug, then the other three joined in. Kinda awkward.

We walked back into the the house but that was when we were stooped by my dad. My dad is the kinda dude that always makes jokes and you can tell anything to and he always follow though with our goals, hes in fact our main supporter of the band. But there are times he can get a little on the pissy side for no reason especially when we all get sugar high and make a lot of noise when he sleeps. This was one of this times.

"What are you guys doing out side and Ivy , why are you all wet?"

"We were just fooling around and pushed her into the pool." Ace said before I chirped up anything stupid. My dad eyed him then spoke up.

"Alright, no throwing or jumping from the top deck though, that can kill someone." He turned and walked back the long hallway to the kitchen.

I turned and shot daggers at Ace, "So who's brilliant idea was that?" I eyed them intimidatingly.

"That was mine." Hunter spoke up.

"You guys really all listen to Hunter? Wooooow!" I laughed, Hunter was not the kinda person you should listen to he always came up with the dumbest ideas, I guess you would have to be even more stupid to follow though with his plans. Hence, the rest of the band.

I followed all the boys back into the room as they throw each other at one another and were all on the ground with in minutes. "My turn." I grinned and then stepped back and ran at them jumping up and landing on all of them.

I heard multiple groans from them, "What the hell are you eating?"

"A gallon of water." I shot back to who ever asked. I found a place to put my foot so I could stand, I tried walking away but Ryan grabbed my ankle and made me fall yet again but this time landing on Peter.

"Ow you jerk." I scowled and then tried to kick his face but missed epicly. And I heard Peter growl from beneath me.

"I always wondered why I kept hearing you bark like a dog." I grinned.

"We are not dogs retard, and that's not barking."  I rolled off of Peter to look back at Ace who had a strait face as he stood up and peered down at me.

"Yeah, yeah what ever." I mumbled. Then I felt an arm come up around my neck then put me in a choke hold. I spun over too see Peter. I tried to kick his side but only managed for him to flinch a little.

"Let go of me." I choked out but he held my tighter and the other took the advantage and started poking my sides, I let out a small scream which made them laugh harder and keep on poking me. I twisted my legs to in front of me and then kicked Hunter and Ryan in the stomach leaving Ace, who backed off cause he knows I would kick him lower with no hesitation.

He was still laughing though but manged to get out a, "Let her go." Peter released me and I shot up and ran into the family room closing the door behind me as the other four tried to push and get it to open.

I laughed,"Weaklings!!!" I shouted and then stepped out of the way to watch them fall over on top of each other. I ran and jumped over the couch rolling on the ground on the other side.


After out little attacks we settled in to watch movie and everyone fell asleep, besides me.. time for revenge.

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