Kicking Ass

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  • Dedicated to my awesome band Carnage \m/ rawk on guys

I stood in the door way peering over the small hall that will soon be cramed with over 80 people. It was going to be a small gig but its way to get it out to more fans. Being sucsesful does come with a price and each small step of the way will pay  it all off.  I pondered my mind and practised my parts on my air bass guitar.

I turned back around to walk into the set up area. It was about the same size as the hall but much more cramped with 5 other bands drum sets, amps and guitars. I slowly walked over to where my band, Hells Death, was set up. The boys were all sitting around on amps stairing at the walls. With their ear buds in.

Our band was made of 5 people; me on bass, my brother Ace on rythem and vocals, Hunter on lead, Peter on drums and Ryan on synth.

I stopped next to my brother and looked around at the rest of the bands. Why is it that there seems to never be any girls in the band, I guess im just that much cooler. Even if I do run into another girl who is in a thrash band we are praforming with they normaly play back up synth or something. Not at hard core as me to play bass. I walked over and leaned agents tubed stack.

My Pevvy stack had two 24 inch speakers and a 60lb head to go with it. My guitar on the other hand was a Ibanze, green with a sparkel finish. (no I'm not all girly and frilly just cause I have sparkels on my kick ass guitar.)

Our set list consisted of 5 origanals and 2 covers; Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie and Sweating Bullets by Megadeath. I have played more then at least 60th gigs sence our band got together 4 and a half years ago and every gig we play our hearts out leaving noone unsatifide. No matter how many people come. Like Black Flag, even as they were getting into record lables they had one gig with 2 people who showed up. They  still played.

I zooned out but was desterbed out of my toughts by a crashing symbole. I looked up startled to see the boys all looking over at another band. Some guy from one of the headlining bands was being heald back by his other band mates as he was trying to go after another guy who insulted him.

I ajusted to stand to my feet when I heard what seemed like a growle come from Peter. I looked over at him with a puzzled look and he quickly looked away. I stood up and streched my back, "I'm gonna go get a soda." I mutterd as I walked away.

Walking right past the fight that now turned into a fist fight was not the best idea, I found that out by myself.

I suddenly felt a huge hand yank on my sholder turning me around. My black hair wipped on my face and hit my eye making it water a little. I looked up to see some guy about 6 foot even glaring down at me with anger struck apon his face. Great one time my brother wass not looking.

"Awwh is some one crying, did I hurt their sholder?" They guy laughed in a sarcastic tone.

"No my fucking eye is wattering cause. Why am I even explaining this to you, you dont have a right, now lit the fuck go of my you jackass beefore I bash u over the head with my bass." I tryed to wiggle from his grip but he just cluched me harder.

He got closer and thats when I could smell his breath of smoak and hard liquor. Who the hell needs to get drunk and high right before a gig?

"Fighsty and plays in a band, I think I love you." His eyes wondered face then to my chest.

"Back off pervert!" I pushed him back and he stummbled a few steps. Once he regained his postiotion he was pissed. He stormed over, almost what it seemed faster then a human pase and shoved me agent the wall.

I clenched my fist as I gasped for air. Where the hell was my band? "Ace!" I tryed to scream out in the breaths of air I could get. The guy lossend his grip around me and I took my chance and nailed him in the face. I dropped to the ground on my knees.I stood up to see his nose was dripping blood. I smiled to that.

"Dick." I mumbled the kicked his shin and started to walk away when two other kids, one my hight about 5'9" and the other one a little taller then the other kid I just beat up. "Where do you think your going girly?"

"Whats it matter?"

"Well you just beat up our guitarist."

"Tell him to stop drinking and he will get less bloody noses."  I tryed to push pass them but they each took my arm, one thing about being the only girl is it draws attention, but the guys treat you like a guy. Meaning, you start a fight.. good luck, wait for your band!

"Ace! Peter! Ryan! Hunter! Help me!!" I screamed as I was thrown up agent the wall. With in two seconds Ace and Peter had the other two guys off me. They punched them right across the face then shoved them to the ground. As I walked pass them to get to my brother I spat in both of their face.

My brother had me by the arm and pulled me so I was right infront of his face.

"Yeah?" I smiled inasently.

"You fucking crazy? They could have gotten you killed." I looked at him with one eye brow cocked.

"Killed? Really?" He narrowd his eyes and dragged me over to our bands area with Peter fallowing, "I still need my soda." I said as he sat down.

"Get someone else to go with you, NOT by your self." I grown scaning over the band.

"Hunter come with me." I started to walk away as he just looked up from his iPod.

"Whats up kid? Why you fuding with the other bands?" He chuckled slinging and arm over me that I quickly pushed off.

"It was his falt." I sneered glaring at the guy with the paper towel held agents his knose and the other guy with a black eye starting to from. I snikerd at the sight a little. "Retards." Imutterd.

I felt Hunter chuckle at that a little.

Once Hunter and I got back I took a seat next to Ace and leaned my head on him, "What time we going on?"

"We still got another 2 hours the first band should be going soo, I think its the one you picked a fight with." I smiled at that as an idea sparked in my mind just to get them erked.

"I'm going to scream my loudest jsut for them!" Ace shook his head and ruffled his black hair slipping the beanie back over it. I looked back over at our band.

We all have dyed black hair but Peter's was dark enofe it didnt have to be dyed. Everyone iin our band has natral brown hair, but me, my hair is really annoying I have natral blonde cruly hair that was really big. Every morning I had to flat iron it and dye it every couple weeks.

I had a cut off belly shirt the showed my scull and cross bones belly ring and my toned stomach with ripped black short shorts. I also wore a purple lip ring. All the guys wore band shirts from AC/DC to Metalica with black skinnie jeans. Ace has gages and snake bite but the other guys dont really have any piersings.

By the time it was out turn 4 bands have already gone, each with a half an hour, thats how long we get too.

"LETS SEE SOME BLOOD SHED!" Ace screamed as we started up our first song. This song 'Going Up' is a song we played at every gig and once Peter started that drum solo to start us off the croud rawrd and a moush pit started forming beneath us.

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