chapter 4

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I sat up in the dark room. I looked around at how everyone was sleeping. Ace was on my right and Ryan was right at our feet Peter was on the couch and Hunter was sleeping side ways to my left. I got up and walked around them with my sneeky spy like skills. When I got to the door I opened it up and closed it ever so quiet.

I turned to face the long dark hall way with the light of the moon from our slide and glass door. I got down on my knees and manoverd my way to the other end of the hall way. I made my way into the kitchen and drop rolled so I was right behind the counter.

I got up and looked through the over head cabanets to find a plastic bowl. Once I did I filled it with a bunch of random stuff out of the fridge; water mustured, italian dressing, fruit punch, mayo, ketchup, and milk.

I took a wiff and almost through up it smelt do bad, wich is perfect for putting on a door. I grinned to myself and then ran back down the hall way to the family room. I placed to bowl right out side the door and then ran up to Ace's bed room. I walked in and looked around. His whole room was a mess with close and boxers spreded every where and a guitar laying across his bed. I picked up his guitar and then ran into my room. Carfully I pulled each string off and then replaced them with rubber bands.

I went back into his room and hid the strings and placed his guitar next tot his amp. Then I ran into his bathroom and fillled a cup of water to pour into his dresser.

Suddenly I felt a drift of sleep rush over me and I lazily walked down stairs to the family room. I put the bowl over the door and decided I'll do the rest of the getting-back tomorrow or when ever I go over the others houses. I slipped into my sleeping bag and went to sleep.

I had a wierd vage dream it was about me being a werewolf;

I was running through the forest and then I came across 6 other wolf. They all looked at me up and down and then started moving in close. The biggest one there started snapping its teath vishesly at me as I was clueless to what I did wrong. I saw out of the corner of my eye that one jumped up and was about to attack me when this majestic yet powerfull wofe came from behind me and attacked the other wolf. The other 5 ran away leaving the big black wolf behind to fend for him self.

Thats when the other wolf looked back at me and apeard to wink. Scared I ran away to trying to get away. 'Where are you going' I heard a ferm voice that I never heard in my life cross my mind.I slowed down to a walking pass when I heard other voices and twigs snapping from all around me. I looked around starteld and saw the other 5 wolfs jump out at me at once.

I sat up startled making Ace from beside me rub the sleep away from his eyes. My heart was racing and my legs felt tired for some odd reason.

"You okay?" Ace's voice startled me and I jumped looking back at him.

"Yeah I'm fine..." my eyes started to wonder the room aimlessly as I ponderedmy mind if I should ask Ace about my dream or just about being a werewolf in genral.

"Uhmm Ace," I said hesetently.  His big green eyes slowly started to open as he slered out asleepy "Yes." in responce.

"Uhh whats the point of being a werewolf, like what is there too it?"

"Just had your first dream didnt you?"

"Yeah?" I said puzzeld.

"Well there really isnt a reason to being a were wolf...Its in your blood to become one but sometimes its a resesive trait. Like yours was till I trigerd it by doing the switch-"

"What the fuck is the switch?"

Hes sighed wanting to go back to bed, I looke over and it was 6 am meaning I have only been asleep for 3 hours now and him 4, "The switch is when I give you a werewolf bite and you drink my blood and that triggers the trait and you bacome one."

"Well why did you turn me?"

"Cause we have another gig coming up and you cant play without a arm, and werewolfs have fast healling power."

"Selfish bich." I slerd under my breath. But then again I would thank him 'cause I am nothing with out my guitar and the band means everything to me.

"Oh yeah you are now part of our pack." he looked around at everyone in the room.

"Great, you losers." I smiled.

He layed back down andgrined at the ceiling. "This also means you can mind link with every wolf you come across. But you cant read human minds or anything. But wolf can also block you so they dont  have to hear your annoying voice all the time" This gave me an idea.

Soon enofe I was getting mind yelled at by everyone in the room. 'God damnit you had to fucking tell her Ace!' I heard Hunter yell as I laughed on the ground holding my stomach. Everyone was now awake cursing under their breath at my loud awakening scream.

'I hate you so much right now Ivy.' was what they all said before they fell back asleep. 

I looked back over to talk to Ace again but he had already fallen asleep. I looked back up out the sky window and watched the sun light start to peep out from behind the trees as  I drifted back off to sleep.


"IVY!!" I was starteld wake by mutiple screams of guys drenched in my big bowl of suprize.

I turned to see them all covered in pink slimy stuff only 3 of them were standing at the door I turned back around to see Ryan sighlently laughing to himself.

"Hmm thats funny I dont remeber putting that there." I didnt my best dumb founded face I could.

Ace, Hunter and Peter all narrowed their eyes and shot me daggerds as I started laughing. Ace walked over to me and held out his arms, "Ay you almost killed me last night this isnt even close to even!" I said holding out my hands to stop him. I watch him stop dead in his tracks and look at me with a scared look.

"What else did you do?" He didnt even wait for an answer as he spun around and bolted for the door. Being him he forgot about the puddle that was newly formed at the door fram and slippedand fell on his ass. "Mother fucker!" He got back up and ran un the stair.

"What did you do to him?" I heard peter speak up.

"His guitar." Hunter started chuckeling as he got an idea of what  I did as Peter still stood clueless to what I did.He found out soon enofe when Ace came down the stairs holding up his rubber stringed guitar.

"Was this really nessesary?"

"Yes, yes it was." I smiled and flopped back. I heard everyone get up and walk out of the room and I heard Ryan say, "For twins you would think you guys are the same but shes 10x more devies and sneekier then you."

"And she a girl." I heard Hunter say.

"Pervert!" I half shouted and heard them all laugh.

The voices soon muted when the kitchen door was shut behind them. I looked at the pitures on the wall and wondered why my mom liked decorationg the family room with nice pitchures of Ace and I even though I looked horible and girly and frilly in them. Wouldnt she want ones that seem like us, that seem real and not fake?

My mom was always agents me being like, how I am I guess. She always wanted me to be a girl that like bright make up, talking boy hot boys or dressing up a girly and shit. Lip/belly rings, black close, black hair dye, leather jakets and a bass guitar wasnt completly on her agenda.

I had to say thogh my mom was sorta okay with the guitar, more preffering I play keyboard or accostic but both of my parents were music junkeys, my dad hard punk rock, like Suicidal Tendencies to Tesla and my mom pop like Bon Jovie and Madona.

Ace and I both took on my dads side. Well sorta for some reason I used to like contrey music A LOT and thought that metal was stupid, I listened to it for a little and found I liked it even more, thats when my mom got really pissed with my choices and both my parents get really annoying cause they blame my brother, I am in high school I can change.

My brother tends to like me better this way though witch is kinda funny, and now all my friends call me goth, but im okay with that I really couls care less to what other people think.

I heard a scream come from the kitchen and got a wierd feeling that today was going to be a long day.

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