Toni took the initiative to reply. “Britney got a very good punch from Abby.” She was smiling too.

Preston scowled and looked at his brother for a moment as if they were talking to each other telepathically. Nate nodded towards the door confirming my theory. Preston looked at me. ‘Abby we need to talk.”

I did not say anything. He repeated himself. “You can say whatever you want to say here.”

“In private.’ He gritted his teeth. I saw no need to argue with him aside. When we were near a corner he moved to stand in front of me. “What were you thinking? Abby, Britney can get dirty and...”

I put my finger on his lips shushing him up. “I get dirty too. Bye....”

Held my wrist with no intention of letting go. “Please... for me. Don’t follow Britney.” I heard never heard him use the word please before in this kind of manner. I found myself agreeing and before I knew it he placed his lips on my fore head, kissing me tenderly. And just as abruptly he left me.

I stared at him or rather just threw daggers with my eyes trying to compose myself. Toni came over, “you have to see that new boy I was talking about.” She said.

We walked into the middle ground of the gym trying to see amongst all the people and when we finally did I had to stop and admit to myself that yes, this guy was as hot as Toni had said but why the hell was he so familiar?

“So tell me is know?” she asked.

I nodded. “He’s cute and if you like him go after him.” I couldn’t tell if he was like Preston from this distance but I’d do it later. After a few minutes in the gym the principal came in to announce a death of a teacher which was pretty sad and all that but then with a few more announcements which I did not get to hear, we all left the place. I drove Toni home but something kept tugging onto my mind.

I couldn’t help but feel like someone was following me around but as I checked my mirrors a saw no car. Maybe I was just getting too much paranoia?

I arrived home and found dad which was kind of weird considering he would normally be at the hospital. “Hey dad...your home early.”

“Well yes, dear since they hired an assistant surgeon so I’m pretty much enjoying this time.”

“Okay.” I headed up to go to my room. After all I had agreed to go out with Jace tonight and I was not about to back out now.

It seemed like forever when finally Jace came over to pick me up. My dad did not even comment about it since he was busy looking through his notes for something. Jace was dressed casually like I was but he still commented that I looked cute.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I replied honestly. “So where are we going?”

‘I thought movies then we go to get something to eat.”

“That’s cool.” I said when I suddenly remembered my date with Preston. Shaking my head I entered into hiss brand new Porsche which was pretty sleek by the way.  

The movie we went to was by far the best thing I watched and I was not so much into movies most of the time. It had a bit of romance but mixed with all those action scenes that made it so thrilling. We drove to the nearest burger shop in town. And it was like Preston had his dogs following me because just as we packed I saw him with his friends sitting on the nearest tables to the doorway that led inside. I groaned, Jace heard and asked. “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be?” I all but snapped. “Oh snap, sorry. It’s just...”

“No need to explain...”

I breathed in. Sometimes it was really good when somebody said something like that especially a time like now. As I got out of the car I felt like somebody was watching me closely and true to my expectations it was Preston who instead of concentrating on what his friends were talking about was looking at me intently.

Jace walked to my side and scooted me closer to him. I did not mind but a part of me warned on what could happen next. I didn’t listen to it as we continued walking to the doorway only to be stopped when Preston came to stand in front of us.

“What do you want now?” I groaned.

Preston didn’t really hear my question as he was throwing daggers to Jace who apparently was returning the favour. I repeated the question a bit louder r this time. He didn’t reply but instead just shrugged and said so very casually like it was a normal thing to do. “Who’s this Abby? Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

I sighed with disbelief. Jace on the other hand turned to look at me. “You know this guy?”

“Apparently I do. We go to the same school that’s all. He’s not even my friend... he’s just one of the jocks who wants nothing but to have every girl in school like him.”

Jace smiled and turned to Preston. “Dude I don’t wanna get into any problems but its best if you just leave us alone”

“Really?” Preston asked getting mad.

I steeped in between the two of them before this turned into a fight which would only mean Jace getting hurt since he was after all human and Preston was the big bad wolf. “listen Mr. Big bad wolf, I’m not going to let you destroy this night for me okay, so get out of our way now.”

Instead he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car parking earlier. Jace stood there glaring at him but couldn’t do anything as some of Preston’s friends had grabbed him firmly.

“Abby, Jace was one of the jocks and he doesn’t want to just be your friend.” He stressed the last word.

“Maybe I don’t want him to be just a friend...”

He mumbled something which sounded like a curse under his breath. “Abby, you’re killing me here.”

“Well I don’t see you dying because I’m pretty sure even the devil won’t welcome you in hell.” I mumbled.

That got a smile from him. “Promise me something.”

I managed to pull out of his grip which had loosened. “Leave me alone please.” I officially begged. “Just let me be okay. You are not my father to start telling me who I can or cannot go to dates with and even if you were I would not let you rule my stop playing my god and leave me the hell alone captain.”

He breathed out like he had been holding it in for a few seconds. “Abby there are some things that are not easy to explain but just stay away from Jace.”

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. Turning I left him there and went over to a fuming Jace. “come on let’s get out of here.’

They let him go and furiously he walked to the car. When we were on the driveway he finally spoke. “Are you sure he’s just some jock? Cause the way things looked from my side you two have issues.”

“Jace, Preston just a guy with big ego and I wounded it badly but I’m sorry about tonight maybe we could take a rain check about dinner...” he nodded and for a reason we drove in silence the whole way home where he dropped me off.

He seemed like a good guy but Preston had probably ruined my chances with him. Jerk...

I got to my room stared at the wolf on the wall. “Mum, that guy is not messing with the right girl. I’ll show him a bit of me.” My mind lighted up with an idea...if reason told me correctly and what he had blurted out was really the darn truth, and then I happened to be his mate. One who he was unsuccessfully trying to get closer with but one who knew what he was without his knowledge and one that never wanted to deal or get involved emotionally with werewolves.

That was my advantage.

I grinned.

Oh, Mr. Preston, Mr. big bad wolf, Mr. Alpha to be...It’s on, whatever this was.

so guys what do y'all think huh..comment, fan and vote plus have fun lol....and pretty excited to be on the watty awards...entered three days and am like #47 guys so keep on voting reading and doing what you do u all.... till next time which won't be long i hope...

I'm your bloody friggin' mate? You got to be joking...Where stories live. Discover now