He raised an eyebrow and put the cap back onto his drink and sat it down on the bench. "Yeah, Percy. You forgot your deodorant again?"

Percy grinned putting his hands up, defenselessly."What can I say? I'm a busy boy and well, it's easier to count on you, Grace."

Jason rolled his eyes and handed him his deodorant, trying not to imagine how bad the stench well smell after two uses from two very foul pairs armpits. Think happy thoughts, Jason wrinkled his nose.

Then, out of nowhere where Leo comes banging in through the doors, still wearing the Lion mascot outfit. He doesn't know why he hung out with Leo besides the fact he's incredibly hilarious and played a prank on his fifth-grade teacher for him after he gave them a D- on their project.

"Hey, there buddies. Guess who's not going to Drew's party full of its crappy music and high calories cupcakes. I'm a new man now with a girlfriend and-"

Someone let out a snort. A few people jokingly cheered at his out burst.

"Are you sure she is actually your girlfriend?" Charlie Beckoncford teased. "What's her name so I can go can ask her?"

"Hun, you wish you could get ladies as good as I do?"

Charlie rolled his eyes. "Maybe I can."

A few guys started to hoot like animals.

"Why is that elf kid even doing here? You're not even on the Lacrosse team." Octavian narrowed his eyes. "And where's your mascot outfit? They should be with you at all times. A guy like you, you'd probably lose them."

"Tell that to your virginity Octavian," Leo snapped and Octavian's face turned fifty shades redder.

"Hey, Leo watch it!" Jason frowned at Leo, "Do you want to get into a fight?"

"He was asking for it!" Leo retorted.

A guy from eleventh grade behind him chuckled. "Leo, it's not even the party yet and you're already going to get blasted

"Wait, are people actually going to her party?" Octavian asked, wrinkling his noise. "I know I would never even step in their."

"Yeah, I doubt that Leo and you know why because even though no one likes Drew, you're going to go because no one misses Drew's party for anything, not even a doctor's appointment."

"Her parents are filthy rich and cater the best food; so what if you want to lose some baggage on your belly? It's not worth it to miss a good night." Someone pointed out.

"Hey, not rich like Piper. She might as well be swimming in a pool of all her savings by now-"

Jason's blurry vision vanished after he put on his glasses and rubbed his eyelids.

Everyone was fast asleep. His mother came home last night after her shift at the bar. She didn't see much of her except for the bottle of wine she left on the kitchen counter. His sister was fast asleep after a long night on her computer. He never saw much of her. They made an agreement not to get into each other's business. Jason only said yes so she wouldn't kill him.

He combed back his hair in the bathroom. They shared one bathroom. Right now, it was all they could afford. The stench in the bathroom was enough to wrinkle his nose. A bottle of liquor was left aside in the shower. He managed to wash his hair in the sink instead.

Looking through the cabinets, he found his cologne all the way in the back. Jason sprayed a little, just enough so he didn't smell so bad. He didn't think anyone would really notice, he thought to himself. That he was a total wreck. Jason grabbed a T-shirt he found somewhere on the ground in his bedroom. He looked down at it, brushing the lint off with his finger and putting it on after taking off the clothes he had slept it.

It was six O'clock in the morning. The bus wasn't coming until seven. He had a while to himself until his sister got up. Jason took a pop tart and a glass of orange juice.


Everyone in the class cheered. The noise made his ears turn bright red from embarrassment, although no one seemed to notice. His teacher had a proud smile on his face. Everyone's smiles seemed to blur into one. Jason visioned a big emoji smiley face and shook the thought.

He should be happy, he told himself as he walked up to his teacher's desk. A ton of other people probably got dreadful grades and Jason managed to get good grades. A bright smile shined on his face.

"Thank you," He said, politely taking his report card from the teacher's hand.

He patted his back. "You earned this young man. Keep going and anytime soon, you'll be ready for college."

The noise didn't leave his eardrums. Jason felt like he was in a trance as he walked back to his desk the same manner visa versus. He didn't know why, but Mr. Giblet's voice reminded him of the puppet master in his dream. Jason shivered at the thought.

Mr Giblets grabbed out more report cards from his desk, taking one by one and reading out all the As. Everyone who got anything but As or a B was handed out their Report Card without a word. They glumly walking away, glancing over at the boy with the periodic table shirt as if he couldn't see them looking at him. He was used to stares. He knew he was an odd person. An odd person to the point where he was regular, as regular as a model on a magazine.

A blue, clear shirt gazed above him. He looked down at their shoes, a pair of Nike clerks, shined to perfection. The guy's hair was spiked up and his pointed ears could be seen clearly. It made sense they would take more care of their shoes than their hair.

"How ya doing Grace" Leo Valdez grinned between his two other friends. "Remember yesterday at Lacrosse. What a day! Octavian is such a total jackasses though."

Jason wasn't sure who the voice belonged to. He didn't all care. Jason wasn't really interested. Jason looked up from his desk. The boy's hair was bleached to the tips; a Jack Frost look against his brown streaks. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and an image of a Beast Boy from Teen Titans.  Last year he looked so different, a scrawny kid in his gym class who sat back in the bleachers playing around with his legos. He didn't know whether or not the hair or the shirt was the difference why he looked unfamiliar or the two boys next to him.

"You should have seen him after you left. He looked like he was ready to burst," Jason grinned.

"Stop, I'm blushing!" Leo swayed his hand in the air. "Okay, aside from that I came to ask if you were going to Drew's party.

"I thought you weren't going?" Jason asked. "You said that you wouldn't."

"I was just kidding-you know for a laugh. Anyways, I would really love it if you came."

"Why me?"

"Listen," Leo whispered, for once being serious. "Your Jason Grace. If I had you come with me, it'd be spectacular."

"So you want to use me as your advantage to pick up girls?"

"I'll be your wing man, you'll be mine." Leo put his shoulder around Jason. "So, what'd you think Spiderman."

"Why'd you just call me Spiderman?"

"I dunno, you remind me of the dude in the movie with your glasses and stuff." He shrugged.

"You know, I'll think about it," Jason finally, signed already knowing full well he wasn't going,"but I have piano classes this weekend."

"Yeah, whatever you say." Leo rolled his eyes as if he didn't believe."We're friends right?"

Jason managed a smile,"Yeah." He was for certain they would never be friends, both of them where complete opposites.

Just in case Leo would start a new conversation to start their "new friendship", Jason got up his desk to go to the restroom. First to curse himself for ever speaking to that kid and for not taking the day off.

~Next chapter~

Reyna IV


And now you got a look at Jason! I edited this story a lot after re-reading it. Hope you liked the new edited version.

Ta Ta Mortals

Other Side Of The Closet [Percy Jackson Fanfiction] •Jiper•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang