Chapter 3

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      I walk into a coffee shop. I saw Bailey and her friends sitting there talking and laughing enjoying their coffee. I smile and wave to Bailey. She waved back but all that was given from her friends were dirty looks. I walked up to the line and there was a couple standing in front of me. They were really cute together. The boy put his arm around the girl and slipped a love note into the pocket of the huge jacket that the girl was wearing. I suspected it was his but he let her wear it. They ordered their coffee and the girl got it. The girl slowly turned around blowing on her hot coffee as the boy just got his. I step forward to order mine thinking that she would just walk around me. She stepped forward as I stepped forward. We collided and she spilled her boiling hot coffee all over my jacket. Bailey's friends started laughing, got up and left. Bailey looked at me and mouthed the word, sorry. Bailey followed her friends out the door. The girl that spilled her coffee on me, got up. "Watch where you are going idiot! My boyfriend got me this jacket!" She explains. "Nicole, it's okay it is just a jacket," The guy said. "Sorry," the guy finished. He looked at me as I sweeze the coffee out of my jacket. When he looked at me life slowed down. His brown beautiful hair flipped as he looked up, his eyes sparkled, and his smile took my breath away. I stood there staring at him. "Do you need anything? I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help you? More napkins?" The guy asks politely. "No I'm fine thank you," I try to be polite. "Okay well if you are fine I think it is your time to order. See you around?" He asks. "See you around." I say biting my bottom lip.

         Stepping up to the counter I order my usual iced coffee. I look behind me and the door slams shut as the boy and girl walk away from the coffee shop. I grab my coffee out of the cashiers hand and gave them five dollars. "You can keep the change," I told him. I walk out the door and breath in the fresh outdoor air. I closed my eyes as I walked forward but would open from time to time making sure I didn't run into anything. All I could see was that guys eyes slowly looking up and into my eyes. He stood up to his girlfriend for me. The only part of that sentence that I didn't like was the girlfriend part. It seemed like he really liked her. You can look at this situation as him cleaning up her mess or him giving me a hand and helping me. I'll go with the second one. I like the way that one sounds better. I didn't even know him and I was already thinking about what we would look like together. I probably will never even see him again so look and forget about boys, which is what my mother always says. My mother gives great advice with boys. I still remember when I was in sixth grade and I was dating this boy Danny. She told me that it was never to late to window shop for boys. I remember my friend thinking that was hilarious. Anyways, I walked all the way back to my apartment only thinking about him. He was cute but I couldn't start liking him. He has a girlfriend, I am a complete mess, and he would never like me.

             Days passed by and everyday I would go back to the coffee shop to wait and see if the guy was at there again. I know I seemed desperate but desperate times call for desperate measures. I liked him and I wasn't going to stop me not knowing his name get in the way of something that maybe a good relationship. If he even shows up at the coffee shop one day, alone, without his girlfriend. If only I knew his name. I could say it was love at first sight. Sometimes I feel like I am jumping too fast into another relationship, as if I am forcing it. But on the other hand, this guy seemed different and I was going to find out one way or another.

        One day I decided I wasn't going to go to the coffee shop. I figured if things were meant to be I wasn't going to force it. I was going to let the pieces fall where they may. Even though sitting in a coffee shop was something to do on a regular boring old summer afternoon, I was kind of sick of coffee by then. When I got out of my little old apartment I pulled out a cigaret and started smoking. Suddenly, I saw Austin walking past smoking as well. He gave me a devil stare. It was as if he wanted to kill me. He looked just like one of those little boys in scary movies who got possessed. I wanted to walk back and tell him I was sorry but instead I lifted my head a little higher and kept walking pretending I never saw him.

           I walked up to a local theatre. It was a fancy theatre. It had three levels all containing rooms with movies playing in each one of them. The first level were old movies that were being played, the second level was movies that just got out, and the third were all 3D movies. I wanted to go see the scary movie called the "Devil Inside." It was said to be a very scary movie. I like seeing scary movies. They remind me that my life isn't as bad as it could be. Some people die really young so I am lucky to be living. Or at least that's what they make me feel like. I'm not so sure if what I think is true. Honestly, I'm not so sure what is true now a days. I don't like this confusion. I sometimes have very vivid dreams that basically fix all my problems in the dream but then when I wake up I still am smoking, I still live in a crumby old apartment building that I can barley pay off, and I am still me.

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