Chapter Thirty-Five>>

Start from the beginning

Consumed in my own thoughts seemed to make the time fly by because soon a tap was felt on my right shoulder getting my attention.

Stiles stood above me, looking even more tired than when he went in there. I stood from my seat and he wasted no time. His arms circled around my waist pulling me against him.

"Hey, how was the meeting with the guidance counselor?" I questioned softly. The question only brought him to squeeze me tighter, as if I was going to disappear if he were to let go.

"It was fine. Just fine." He lied straight through his teeth as his head pressed into the crook of my neck. I could tell that everything was bothering him. His body was tense and rigid, his eyes had lost the usual spark that seemed to alight with his sarcasm, and his hand that was gripping my waist was twitching telling me he was on the edge.

"Baby." I sighed wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling his face towards mine. "Don't lie to me."

I took my hand smoothing it over the back of his buzz cut. His body sagged against me, exhaustion giving in. He pressed our bodies together while laying his head on my shoulder. "Im not fine Jen, but for today I'm going to sit here and pretend that I am."

"You pretend too much." I muttered pulling him tighter against my chest.

"I have to." His breath fanned against my neck as his face took residence underneath my chin. 

My head shook back and forth, pulling his head back so that he was looking me in the eyes. My palms fit into the contours of his checks. My thumb brushing his cheekbone as my eyes searched his. "Not with me. You never have to pretend with me." I pushed the sincerity in my words, hoping to reflect it in my eyes.

Before he could answer I reached up on my tiptoes, our lips brushing each other. "You're safe with me. Always."

"Always." He muttered pressing his lips against mine. This was unlike any kisses we had ever given each other. It didn't hold the raw hungry that our make-out sessions normally did, nor did it have the sweet passion. This was a kiss that attached us like a string, tugging our bodies, our hearts, our souls closer together, knowing that we needed each other. This kiss fed our worries and consoled us knowing that we were in this together, that when all of this was over we had each other.

We separated but kept our foreheads pressed together. "I love you," He whispered pressing his lips against my forehead, "so damn much."

Our eyes stared into each others holding all of our emotions. We didn't need words; we never really did. We were both open books when it came to each other. "I love you too."

Love radiated between the two of us as once again we pressed our lips to each others.


After school I had to go to work. Out of all the craziness, I was finally happy to have something must be normal for once. 

Scott was helping Deaton sort through stuff in the lab room while I was in the back organizing files. That was until all the animals started barking and growling like crazy. I walked out of the file room and into the lab only to see Isaac standing over Molly, the dog on the table, while Deaton injected her with medicine and Scott held her down. 

"Why does it smell like that?" Isaac questioned wrinkling his nose. I leaned against the doorway crossing my arms over my chest.

Deaton and Scott shared a slight chuckle and I smiled knowing the memory they were thinking of in their heads.


"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not." Deaton explained. 

Discovering Catwoman ▷ Stiles Stilinski [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now