Chapter 15: Wedding Crashers pt. 2

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* * * * * Alice * * * * *

I sat in front of a large mirror as Ruby braided my hair. We were both in overly frilly, white lace dresses

He's coming for me!

I've been repeating this mantra in my head for hours now.

Ruby stepped back and admired her work. "You know, if we weren't being forced this marry these guys, I would be ecstatic." She stated. "But we are, I really hope Lucas let's me have some of Gidion before he's done."

I stood up and looked at Ruby. I knew how she felt. I felt beautiful, but I didn't want Derek to be the one to see me like this.

I walked up next to Ruby and she held my hand. "Lucas will come and save us." She insisted

I nodded and she pulled me up to the door as music started to play.

* * * * * Lucas * * * * *

I stood next to Francine as she opened a warp to where the wedding was taking place. "Thanks guys, I'm grateful for your help." I said.

They both nodded and we stepped through the portal.

We were standing on the edge of a cliff looking over the wedding which took place between two cliffs and a building.

I watched as Derek and Gidion stood next to an altar as music played. Ruby and Alice stepped out of the building and slowly walked to the altar.

My eyes widened and I gritted my teeth when I saw the collar around Alice's neck. Kyrn put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head.

"We need to wait until their guard is down." Whispered Kyrn.

I watched on, waiting for the right time.

Gidion spoke for some time before grabbing Ruby's hand as did Derek to Alice. They both leaned towards the brides.

I stared down in rage for a moment before jumping down. The air whistled as I dropped down at a high speed. I landed on the ground with a late crash, throwing dirt and dust into the air.

The air cleared and I got mixed looks from everyone around. Alice cheered when she saw me and ran at me but fell to the ground as the collar sent volts of electricity through her body. Derek grabbed her by the neck of her dress and held her back.

I could feel every one of my hairs standing on edge as electricity flowed through my body. I held my hand up in the air and Derek jumped back still holding Alice.

I growled at him and lunged forward but was stopped by Gidion and thrown aside.

I summoned the scythe and knocked Gidion away. I dashed at Derek and cut off the hand that he was using to hold onto Alice and kicked him away. I grabbed Alice and tore the collar off her neck then jumped away. I set her down as tears ran down her face.

"I was so scared!" She exclaimed as she embraced me.

I returned her embrace. "I would never let someone like him do anything to you." I stated. I moved my hand up to her neck and she flinched. The burn scars on her neck were open and bleeding as well as more scars across her shoulders.

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