Chapter 13: Escape

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* * * * * Alice * * * * *

I sat in a cushioned chair, hugging my legs as Ruby tried to console me.

Linda walked in with a small bag and sat down.

"What's that?" Asked Ruby gesturing towards Linda's bag.

She set it down on the table that was centered in the middle of the room.

"Its a message from Queen Sapphire." Said Linda.

"What does my mother want now?" Asked Ruby in an impatient tone.

Linda pulled out a small transparent stone and tossed it into the air. It exploded, creating a blue holographic image of a tall woman with an infant.

"Ruby, if you're seeing this, you've probably found the Ancient Prince in the prophecy and Linda has seen the circumstances to be exact for what I saw. You must keep his companion safe, this world depends on it. Saw bye, Ruby." Said the woman in the hologram, the infant in her arms turned and waved towards us and the image disappeared.

"How does my mother know this." Asked Ruby.

"It is passed through the females of royal blood, you should have been seeing visions since you turned eighteen." Said Linda.

"I- I have, but I thought that... they were just nightmares." She stated.

"That probably isn't good if they were nightmares." Said Linda.

"We have to get away from this planet as soon as possible!" Exclaimed Ruby.

"Why?" Asked Linda.

"If Alice stays here, everything goes." Said Ruby.

I started to cry harder and Ruby went over to me and held me.

"We'll get Lucas off too, we just need to get you away right now." Said Ruby as she rubbed my head gently.

I sniffled and held back the tears to my best ability.

"We should sleep for now, we'll try and leave tomorrow." Said Linda.

Ruby lead me to her bedroom and let me sleep with her for tonight. I eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

* * * * * Lucas * * * * *

"So your name is Kyrn, mines Lucas." I stated.

"How'd you get down here, you seem to friendly to be sent to terrorist territory." He asked.

A knot formed in my stomach.

"I'd rather not tell." I said.

"So you don't feel like answering my question now. How about a trade?" He asked.

"I nearly stole Gidion's bride, now his brother is probably trying to steal my friend." I stated.

"Wow, now what about my question?" He asked.

I looked at him. He felt a little to eager to know about me now. His eyes were a dark red and his hair was long, curly and gray. There was something in his person that felt similar to mine.

"Who are you looking for?" I asked.

He squinted his eyes and glared at me.

"How do you know about that?" He asked.

"You feel like someone who's lost someone dear to them." I stated.

"My wife." He stated.

"What?" I asked.

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